Consultation on Fees for Seed Testing, Seed Certification & Associated Seed Functions

Closed 26 May 2017

Opened 3 Mar 2017


Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated functions ( supervision of licensed, Professional Seed Operators, licensed Crop Inspectors, licensed Seed Samplers, LSTS) and courses and exams are all required to be reviewed annually to ensure that the costs of the services provided by Scottish Government are met by the businesses benefiting directly from them and that it is cost neutral to government.

This consultation is on Scottish Government’s proposal to increase certain fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated seed functions.

Why your views matter

Seed fees required to be reviewed annually to ensure full cost recovery and ensure the industry are not over paying for services. The consultation allows Scottish Government the opportunity to share their findings and inform the users of the services what changes it may have for them. It also allows the users an opportunity to voice their thoughts on the services and charges, and suggest any changes they see as being practical without being detrimental to the certification system.

Further to this years annual review of fees for seed testing, seed certification & associated seed functions, Scottish Government will under take a major review of fees for official supervision of licensed personnel within the seed industry.

A meeting between Scottish Government, the National Farmers Union of Scotland, Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) Scotland and the Scottish Seed Trade Association (SSTA) is set for the 24 April 2017, to discuss SASA/RPIDS initial thoughts on official supervision and possible options for change. This meeting will be followed up with a series of workshops across Scotland which the seed industry will be asked to attend and participate in. Further talks with the Stakeholders may be required before launching a consultation early in 2018.


  • Business, Industry and Innovation
  • Economy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Farming and Rural