Call for evidence: phasing out the use of cages in the gamebird and quail sectors

Closes 12 Jul 2024

Section 3: considerations for the future

To assist with formulating a future consultation on phasing out the use of cages for gamebirds and quail we would be like to hear your views and thoughts on the following:-

Q1. What are the most important considerations for improving gamebird welfare when breeding and rearing? Please indicate if your priority areas are species-specific.
Q2. What impact would the following changes have on your business? Please specify the additional cost per bird if known.
Q3. Do you think there should be a maximum time limit for gamebirds and quail to be kept in cages, and if so, what would you recommend? Please specify whether this recommendation is based on research or personal experience.
Q4. What do you consider to be a sufficient size of cage to ensure good health and welfare? Please specify the species you are referring to.
Q5. What other factors should be considered and addressed to improve the welfare of gamebirds and quail?
Q6. Do you have any plans to alter your current production method and practices in the next 5 to 10 years?
Q7. Are you aware of any other methods or practices used in Scotland for the breeding and rearing of gamebirds and for quail egg and meat production? If, yes what are they and what are your views on them?