The Animal Health Act 1981 Amendment Consultation

Closed 23 Dec 2019

Opened 3 Oct 2019

Feedback updated 11 Jul 2022

We asked

We sought views on proposals to give Scottish Ministers a power to make regulations allowing fixed penalty notices to be used in relation to certain animal health offences; and asked whether any further changes were required to the Animal Health Act 1981 to ensure it remains fit for purpose.

You said

In total, 36 responses were available for analysis. Of these, 27 were from groups or organisations and 9 were from individuals.

The majority of respondents (83.3%) agreed that the introduction of proportionate fixed penalty notices would improve the enforcement of animal health offences. Respondents proposed specific characteristics of fixed penalty notice regimes that would be beneficial for animal health offences, including the ability to issue on the spot fines; and the option to appeal any fixed penalty notice that is issued. Respondents also identified fixed penalty notice regimes that were considered to be successful in other areas.

A number of practical suggestions were made as to further amendments that may be necessary to improve animal health legislation. Most frequently, respondents suggested improving biosecurity provisions.

We did

The responses to this consultation have informed the content of the animal health fixed penalty notice provisions contained within the Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Act 2020. The Act gives Scottish Ministers a power to allow fixed penalty notice regimes to be developed in relation to less serious animal health offences. This power is subject to strict limits but will allow for sufficient flexibility to take account of future changes to animal health legislation.

The Act was passed by the Scottish Parliament on 17 June 2020 and received Royal assent on 21 July 2020. It can be viewed here: Animals and Wildlife (Penalties, Protections and Powers) (Scotland) Act 2020 (

An analysis of the responses to the consultation has been published on the Scottish Government website and can be viewed here: Amendments to the Animal Health Act 1981: consultation analysis - (


Results updated 13 Mar 2020

Analysis of responses to our consultation on amendments to the Animal Health Act 1981Analysis of responses to our consultation on amendments to the Animal Health Act 1981.



Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


We are seeking views to strengthen animal health legislation to allow for more effective and proportionate enforcement provisions.

Why your views matter

We want to establish if there is stakeholder support for these proposals to allow for more effective and proportionate enforcement of the Animal Health Act 1981 by introducing fixed penalty notices for less serious animal health offences.

We are seeking expert views from key stakeholders and enforcement agencies about how these new arrangements could work in practice. It's hoped that expert stakeholders will provide us with practical examples and suggestions of how these new arrangements should work.

Furthermore, we are seeking views on the effectiveness of the existing provisions within the Act and whether there are any gaps that could help to improve animal health standards both to help prevent an incursion of animal disease and to control and eradicate disease.

Read the consultation paper.

What happens next

Once concluded, the responses from the consultation will be analysed and a report on the findings will be published. Thereafter the responses will be used to inform instructions to legal colleagues to implement the proposed changes to the Animal Health Act 1981, and subsequent secondary legislation.


  • Farming and Rural