Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD): Consultation on Phase 5 of the Eradication Scheme
Results updated 24 Jan 2018
Published responses
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.
The Scottish Government is committed to eradicating Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD), a serious infectious disease of cattle. A scheme has been developed with stakeholders and requires legislative support through the various phases of the eradication scheme.
Through the BVD Advisory Group, we have agreed to consult on the following proposals for the next phase of the eradication scheme that will:
- Increase pressure on not negative herds to investigate the cause of BVD exposure in their herd
- Increase pressure on “positive herds” (those with a live Persistently Infected (PI) or suspect PI) to remove their PI(s)
- Prevent delays in testing
- Require tissue sampling to be done via an official tag
- Speed-up reporting of lab results on ScotEID
- Improve the accuracy of the check test
- Increase pressure on positive herds/protect neighbours
- Prevent dispersal of animals immediately prior to a change of herd status
- Track PIs back to herd of birth
Why your views matter
To progress the scheme to a satisfactory conclusion, the BVD Advisory Group have agreed that there should be further restrictions on not negative herds to prevent disease spread in the Scottish herd. Particularly focusing on keepers that continue to retain PI animals or seem content not to investigate the cause of their not negative status.
We would welcome views on these proposals to ensure that their main goal is to progress the eradication scheme and not hinder it.
What happens next
All information on this consultation and previous consultations the BVD eradication scheme can be found on our website.
- Farming and Rural
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