Birthplace Decisions Leaflet

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Closes 3 Jul 2024


We would like to know your views on the Birthplace Decisions leaflet, which will be shared with women during their maternity journey. We want it to be clear, helpful and easy to understand.

The first set of questions are about the leaflet as a whole, and how you like to receive information.

Here is the leaflet.

1. Do you think this leaflet gives pregnant women and their partners relevant information that will help them to make an informed choice about where to give birth?
There is a limit of 1000 characters
2. Is the language and terminology in the leaflet easy to understand?
There is a limit of 1000 characters
3. Do you think the images used in the leaflet are helpful?
There is a limit of 1000 characters
4. In general, how helpful do you think leaflets are as a source of information on pregnancy?

More information

This leaflet will be given to pregnant women by their midwife or their doctor. It will also be available online.

5. We would like to know how you like to access and receive information, particularly information about pregnancy and/or health. From the list below, please check all the options which apply.
There is a limit of 500 characters