Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

Children’s reporter’s ability to call a review hearing

The Scottish Government wishes to consult on whether the current three month period within which a CSO cannot be reviewed - at the request of a child, relevant person or other entitled person - should be abolished or shortened. (See section 7.4 of the consultation document)

47. Do you think it would be appropriate for the children’s reporter to be able to initiate a review hearing before the expiry of the relevant period?
48. Do you think the statutory three month period should be revised so that individuals who are entitled to request a review of a child’s compulsory supervision order (CSO) can do so within a shorter time period?
49. Do you consider that a child being re-referred to the children’s reporter within a certain timeframe should result in that ‘re-referral’ being treated as forming part of the pre-existing referral?