Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

Relevant persons

Views are invited on where and how the current arrangements could be improved. In particular, we are interested in whether respondents’ feel it is necessary to legislate for the participation and engagement of a broader range of people in the preparation for a hearing. We would particularly be interested in views on whether there would be advantages in creating an additional class of person with certain rights to provide their views at an early stage, and to participate appropriately as the case proceeds. (See section 5.2 of the consultation document)

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the current definition of “relevant person”?
9. Should the legislation include a definition of “parent” and if so, what should it be?
10. Do you have any views on whether it would be appropriate for a hearing to have the power to remove relevant person status from any relevant person in certain circumstances and if so, please explain?
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an earlier process for deeming other people to be relevant persons?
12. What changes could be made to legislation to enable more effective gathering of information prior to a hearing and to support proper opportunities to participate for other people in the child’s life?
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the creation of an additional class of person whose views and participation are essential to the business of the hearing, but do not require the full rights and obligations of a relevant person?