Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

A redesigned children’s panel

Views are sought on the possibility of some measure of payment for panel members. (See section 8.1 of the consultation document)

50. Do you believe the children’s panel element of the children’s hearings system should retain the unpaid lay volunteer model in whole or in part?
51. Would you support some measure of payment for panel members, over and above the current system of expenses, in return for the introduction of new and updated expectations?
52. Do you have any views on the introduction of new roles into the children’s panel?
53. Recognising that payment of panel members/chairing members would represent a significant new national investment in decision making, do you have views on priority resourcing for other parts of the system?
54. Each children’s hearing currently consists of 3 panel members, with one chairing: