Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

Establishing grounds of referral

The Scottish Government invites views on the proposal that grounds hearings be replaced with fact finding hearings to be presided over by a new, legally qualified member operating within the environment of the children’s hearings system (the “legal member”). (See section 6.5 of the consultation document)

31. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of passing the fact finding function from sheriffs to a new cohort of legal members within the redesigned children’s hearings system?
32. Do you consider that this proposal fulfils the intention of the recommendation from the Hearings for Children report that there should be a consistent specialist sheriff throughout the process?
33. Do you have any views on the proposed retention of the appeal arrangements within a redesigned children’s hearings system?
34. Other than a legal member or sheriff is there another person or body who could:
35. What would be the advantages and disadvantages to replacing grounds hearings with a fact finding hearing where the process would be undertaken by a single ‘legal member’?
36. Is it proportionate and necessary for there to be a fact finding hearing in every case?