Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

Statutory referral criteria

The Scottish Government is supportive of the ongoing work to promote the common use of accessible and sensitive language across the children’s hearings system. We are interested in respondents’ views on whether the existing criteria need to be updated in the way suggested by the report, and why. (See section 5.1 of the consultation document)

3. What elements of language in the existing referral criteria need to be updated, if any?
4. Do you support the proposed referral criteria from the Hearings for Children report?
5. What are the advantages or disadvantages of the proposed draft referral criteria?
6. Do you have any other comments about potential changes to the referral criteria?
7. Do you support the proposal to change the applicable referral test that compulsory supervision ‘might be necessary’ to it being ‘likely to be needed’?