Children's hearings redesign

Closes 28 Oct 2024

Assessing Impact

The Scottish Government will carry out impact assessments alongside the development of any new legislation which would be required to implement the changes proposed in this consultation. We would be interested in your views on these areas to help us in developing these and any other necessary assessments. (See section 10 of the consultation document)

87. What, if any, do you see as the data protection related issues that you feel could arise from the proposals set out in this consultation?
88. What, if any, do you see as the children's rights and wellbeing issues that you feel could arise from the proposals set out in this consultation?
89. What, if any, do you see as the main equality related issues that you feel could arise from the proposals set out in this consultation?
90. Do you have any other suggestions where you consider that new legislation is needed to deliver a successfully redesigned children’s hearings system?