Future of foster care consultation

Closes 6 Feb 2025

Retention of foster carers - status, recognition and value

We have heard evidence from fostering services, foster carers, and those representing them, that more needs to be done to improve the status, value and respect given to foster carers. All the proposals in this consultation, including a national recruitment campaign should help increase the recognition and value placed on foster carers. We are also consulting, through a different exercise, at a broad level on the current definition of a “relevant person” as set out in the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 for the purpose of participating in children’s hearings Children's Hearings Redesign - Scottish Government Consultations - Citizen Space.

Additional proposals to improve the value and recognition of foster carers are set out below and include a national charter; day to day decision making; a national register; allegations guidance; support on raising concerns; and wider issues.

National charter

  • The development of a national charter of support for foster carers and fostering services (Local Authority and IFAs) which, we would recommend, all fostering services would have in place.
  • The national charter would be co-designed with foster carers and local partners, and it would be principle based with a focus on supporting the value and recognition of foster carers. We hope this would empower foster carers to have a key voice and ensure foster carers feel recognised for the role they play in the children and young people’s lives they care for.
  • The charter would set out what foster carers can expect from the fostering service and what the fostering service can expect from foster carers.
  • The Scottish Government would develop a charter template which local authorities and IFAs could adapt for their service.
25. What are your views on the proposal for a national charter of support for foster carers?
26. What else could national government do to increase the value, status and recognition of foster carers?