Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
Feedback updated 29 Dec 2015
We asked
For comments on proposals for a Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill.
You said
We received 424 responses from a wide range of individuals and organisations, with a variety of views on the different topics covered.
View all the non-confidential responses here.
Read the independent analysis of the responses here.
We did
The comments received helped to shape the final Bill, which was introduced to the Scottish Parliament on 12 June 2014. You can read the Bill and follow its progress here.
Results updated 4 Dec 2014
- The Scottish Government‟s Programme for Scotland 2013-14 placedcommunity empowerment and public service reform at the heart of theGovernment‟s agenda.
- A consultation paper was published on 6 November2013 seeking views on draft legislation for inclusion in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill and other related policy questions. The consultation closed on 24 January 2014.
- 424 responses to the consultation were submitted, 79% from organisations and 21% from individuals. The highest proportion of responses from organisations came from the third sector.
- The consultation was structured in three main parts:
- Proposals on which draft legislation was provided for comment.
- Detailed policy questions on issues which had not yet reached the stage of draft legislation.
- New policy ideas on wider issues about the organisation of central andlocal government and how ambitions for creating a successful Scotland should be expressed.
- 75 questions were included in the consultation document, most containing both closed and open elements.
- A summary of respondents‟ views is contained in the attached document.
- Consultation on the Community Empowerment Bill Analysis of Responses, 1.2 MB (PDF document)
Scotland’s people are its greatest asset, and best placed to make decisions about their future. The proposed Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill aims to make the most of the talents that exist in our communities, deliver high quality and improving public services, and support strong local democracy and local decision-making.
Why your views matter
The Consultation on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill sets out draft legislation and detailed policy proposals on these topics. We are keen to hear your views on how those proposals would work in practice
Please read the relevant parts of the consultation paper before responding.
You need only answer questions on the sections of the consultation paper you are interested in. The online questionnaire will allow you to go directly to the section you want to respond to.
What happens next
Following the closing date, all responses will be analysed and considered along with any other available evidence to help us reach decisions on what the Bill should say. We aim to issue a report on this consultation process by Spring 2014, and to introduce the Bill to the Scottish Parliament before the end of this Parliamentary year (2013-14).
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