Cultural engagement in Scotland: what is it and why does it matter?

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Closes 29 Jul 2024


1. If you have any free time, what are your favourite things to do?
2. Does anything stop you from doing the things you would like to do in your free time?
3. Culture can mean lots of things to different people. What does the term "culture" mean to you?
4. Creativity can also mean different things to different people. What does the term "creativity" mean to you?
5. Is taking part in cultural and creative activities important to you? If yes or no, can you explain why?
6. How does taking part in cultural and creative activities make you feel?
7. Can you tell us about how you take part in different cultural and creative activities?

In your answer you may wish to focus on things like:

  • if you take part on your own, or with other people
  • if you take part at home or at an event/place
  • if you take part through your school/college/university
  • if you are a member of a community group or a professional group
  • if you volunteer, or would like to
8. What do you think about the places where you can access or take part in cultural and creative activities?

In your answer you may wish to focus on things like if they are:

  • affordable
  • accessible
  • welcoming
  • interesting
9. What do you think about the opportunities to take part in cultural and creative activities in your local area?

In your answer you may wish to focus on things like:

  • if you feel there are opportunities in your local area
  • if you can access information on what is going on in your local area
  • if you have any interest in taking part in the opportunities in your local area
10. If there is anything else you would like to tell us about what culture or creativity means to you, please do so here: