A Consultation on the Digital Strategy for Scotland

Closed 23 Dec 2020

Opened 30 Sep 2020

Feedback updated 14 Mar 2022

We asked

Scotland’s previous digital strategy was published in 2017. It set out a vision of Scotland as a vibrant, inclusive, greener, open and outward-looking digital nation.

This vision is now even more compelling – however, the context in which it needs to be delivered has changed dramatically: not least as a result of the pandemic, and the end of the EU Exit transition period, which has compounded the challenges Scotland faces.

In September 2020, a consultation was launched to gather views and to inform the content on a proposed new Digital Strategy for Scotland, written in collaboration with COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities).

You said

The consultation received 235 responses from all sectors of society. 165 of these were from organisations and 66 from individuals. The responses were analysed by Why Research who produced a detailed consultation analysis report.

The responses received indicated widespread agreement that the vision set out in the supporting narrative in each of the sections of the consultation paper was the right one. This support for the strategy, its vision, strategic intents and potential actions, became ever more paramount for many, as the coronavirus pandemic demonstrated a capacity for organisations to respond to changing circumstances and offer a more flexible and agile service. 

The strategic intent of ‘No One Left Behind’ was seen to be central by many respondents, as was collaboration across a wide range of sectors including public, third, businesses in general, digital technology businesses, academia and community groups. Respondents also defined a need for effective digital leadership from the Scottish Government, together with a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of all involved.

There was also recognition of the need to transform government and NHS bodies to become digital organisations; and references to the need to pool and share digital and data expertise.

You can request a copy of this report by contacting DigitalStrategyforScotland@gov.scot.

We did

Using the insight gathered from the consultation, the Scottish Government and COSLA developed a new digital strategy, designed around the needs of Scotland and its people and this was published in March 2021.

The new Digital Strategy for Scotland “A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital worldoutlines the actions the Scottish Government will take across three key areas:

  • People, Place and Society;
  • A Strong Digital Economy; and
  • Digital Government and Services.

In addition, we published a report summarising the significant progress we have made on delivering the goals outlined in the 2017 Digital Strategy for Scotland:

  • Building a digital nation in which we are open, ethical and working with others to meet new moral, environmental, regulatory and security concerns;
  • Geography, background or ability is no barrier to getting online;
  • Our children are prepared for the workplace of the future and skills development is available for the existing workforce;
  • Our public services are personal, accountable, adaptable, efficient, secure, sustainable and worthy of public trust;
  • Our government, NHS and Councils are transformed into true digital organisations;
  • Our businesses embrace the economic opportunities of data, technology, digital marketing and new ways of working.

We continue to make progress on all of the actions in the new strategy in collaboration with COSLA. You can keep up to date with the progress of this by subscribing to our regular Digital Scotland newsletter.

Results updated 11 Mar 2021

The updated digital strategy has now launched. “A Changing Nation: How Scotland Will Thrive In A Digital World” sets out a path for Scotland to fulfil its potential in the digital world and outlines the steps that the Scottish Government will take in order to ensure that everyone in Scotland has the skills, connectivity and devices required to fully participate in our digital nation.

The strategy is available at: www.bit.ly/digitalscotsstrategy.

We have also recently launched a Digital Scotland newsletter to update you on progress with delivery of the strategy and the work of the Digital Directorate. Subscribe today- http://ow.ly/fzvR50DkpLw

You can also follow our Twitter page and blog page.



We live in a digital world. It is changing the way we work, do business, entertain, deliver services, shop and keep in touch with our family and friends, as well as the work of government. It is a source of incredible opportunity – to open new markets, scale rapidly, tackle climate change and make links across the globe. It also brings new challenges around privacy, regulation and social and digital inclusion, and the coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated the pace of digital transformation, placing it at the front end of service delivery.

Back in 2017, we set out a vision to ensure that Scotland is recognised throughout the world as a vibrant, inclusive, greener, open and outward-looking digital nation. This vision is now even more compelling. However, the nature of digital, and our understanding of the opportunities it provides, have evolved, and the pace of change across the wider economy and society has accelerated.

With this is mind, the Scottish Government and COSLA are aiming to produce a strategy update that:

  • Is big, bold and transformative, and recognises that digital is now at the front and centre of how we live and work;
  • Is a shared vision of where Scotland is going that resonates with everyone that reads it, and encourages them to want to be a part of it;
  • Is a catalyst for bringing together the digital transformation ambitions throughout all sectors in Scotland;
  • Reflects the strategic priorities for Scotland as a whole, rather than a list of actions that are appropriate to individual organisations.

This consultation seeks views on the updated Digital Strategy for Scotland, which will be crucial in helping to build a Digital Scotland.

Why your views matter

We are committed to working together with stakeholders and people across Scotland to deliver an updated Digital Strategy for Scotland that reflects the changing digital landscape.

Within the consultation document, we have worked in partnership with COSLA to set out what we believe are the key themes in building a Digital Scotland and we want you to think about and suggest the actions we should take together – immediately and over the longer term – to bring the vision into reality.

Read the consultation paper. 

What happens next

The updated digital strategy has now launched and is available at: www.bit.ly/digitalscotsstrategy.

We have also recently launched a Digital Scotland newsletter to update you on progress with delivery of the strategy and the work of the Digital Directorate. Subscribe today- http://ow.ly/fzvR50DkpLw

You can also follow our Twitter page and blog page.


  • Arts, Culture and Sport
  • Business, Industry and Innovation
  • Building and Planning
  • Children and Families
  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Constitution and Democracy
  • Digital
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Equality, Welfare and Rights
  • Farming and Rural
  • Public Sector
  • Health and Social Care
  • Housing and Regeneration
  • International
  • Transport
  • Work and Skills