Proposals for a Better Regulation Bill


The consultation sets out proposals for the potential elements of the Better Regulation Bill.

You can download the full consultation paper or you can read it on the Scottish Government consultation website

The consultation seeks views and evidence on a number of issues, including;

  • Defining and implementing nationalstandards and systems
  • Duty to promote economic and business growth in regulatory activity
  • Reviews and sunsetting
  • Prompt payment
  • Common commencement dates
  • Mobile food businesses, and a transferable certificate of compliance
  • Linking planning application fees to the performance of planning authorities
  • Extending statutory review mechanisms to challenges against Scottish Ministers' decisions in infrastructure projects 


Why your views matter

Better regulation is crucial to delivering sustainable economic growth and providing a favourable business environment in which companies can grow and flourish. 

The Scottish Government is committed to Better Regulation and is bringing forward a Better Regulation Bill to further improve the way regulations are applied in Scotlandand address concerns raised by business about regulatory inconsistency.  Consultation is vital to ensuring that this Bill is fit for purpose before it is passed through Parliament.