Onshore conventional oil and gas - call for evidence

Closed 2 Aug 2022

Opened 21 Jun 2022

Feedback updated 7 Mar 2023

We asked

The Scottish Government is transitioning to a net zero emissions Scotland for the benefit of our environment, our people, and our prosperity, with Scotland’s ambitious climate change legislation setting a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.

This means that our contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within one generation. In line with this commitment, our Programme for Government 2021/22 states that “unlimited extraction of fossil fuels is incompatible with our climate obligations and meeting the aims of the Paris Agreement”. It is more important than ever that we move towards this goal at pace, and continue to put words into actions.

This can be clearly demonstrated in the Bute House Agreement, formalised in September 2021, which states that: “given the urgency of the climate emergency, we accept that countries around the world, including the UK, cannot continue with unlimited recovery of hydrocarbons if the aims of the Paris Agreement are to be met - we cannot ignore the concern that unlimited extraction of fossil fuels is simply incompatible with protecting the planet”.

Our emissions reduction targets are at the heart of Scottish Government policy, as outlined in our December 2020 Climate Change Plan update, our plans for a just transition, and our Energy Strategy. Our Energy Strategy, which will be refreshed during 2022, will include a comprehensive range of policy positions for related areas; this includes onshore conventional oil and gas exploration and development.

We are therefore undertaking an evidence-gathering process to establish our finalised policy position on onshore conventional oil and gas in Scotland.

You said

Stakeholders provided a range of views which have be considered by Scottish Ministers when developing their preferred policy position of no support.

We did

The Scottish Government is required to undertake relevant statutory and other impact assessments, including a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA), prior to policy finalisation. The draft policy position of no support for onshore conventional oil and gas is included in the impact assessments of the wider Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, with the finalised policy position being confirmed on conclusion of this process.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Government is transitioning to a net zero emissions Scotland for the benefit of our environment, our people, and our prosperity, with Scotland’s ambitious climate change legislation setting a target date for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045.

This means that our contribution to climate change will end, definitively, within one generation. In line with this commitment, our Programme for Government 2021/22 states that “unlimited extraction of fossil fuels is incompatible with our climate obligations and meeting the aims of the Paris Agreement”.

In a post-COP26 world, it is more important than ever that we move towards this goal at pace, and continue to put words into actions.

This can be clearly demonstrated in the Bute House Agreement, formalised in September 2021, which states that:

“given the urgency of the climate emergency, we accept that countries around the world, including the UK, cannot continue with unlimited recovery of hydrocarbons if the aims of the Paris Agreement are to be met - we cannot ignore the concern that unlimited extraction of fossil fuels is simply incompatible with protecting the planet”.

Our emissions reduction targets are at the heart of Scottish Government policy, as outlined in our December 2020 Climate Change Plan update, our plans for a just transition, and our Energy Strategy. Our Energy Strategy, which will be refreshed during 2022, will include a comprehensive range of policy positions for related areas; this includes onshore conventional oil and gas exploration and development.

We are therefore undertaking an evidence-gathering process to establish our finalised policy position on onshore conventional oil and gas in Scotland.

This consultation does not set out or advocate a preferred Scottish Government position or policy.

Read the call for evidence.

Why your views matter

This is an opportunity to contribute views and evidence on the development of onshore conventional oil and gas policy in Scotland in order to ensure that Scottish Government delivers a robust and fully-evidenced policy position in line with our energy needs, statutory requirements, and climate change ambitions.

What happens next

Following the call for evidence closing date, all responses will be independently analysed and the consultation analysis report will be considered as part of the policy development and finalisation process. The analysis of responses will be published in full.

The Scottish Government is required to undertake relevant statutory and other impact assessments, including a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA), prior to policy finalisation. The draft policy position on onshore conventional oil and gas will be included in the impact assessments of the wider Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, with the finalised policy position being confirmed on conclusion of this process.


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