Consultation on draft regulations under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016
Published responses
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek views on draft regulations being made under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. The contents of the draft regulations are a culmination of work which has been informed by the Parliamentary Bill process and consistent stakeholder engagement.
We will be consulting on draft regulations on:
- the specific circumstances in which an adult carer support plan and young carer statement must be reviewed,
- what type and level of information is to be included in short breaks services statements, and to set out when and how these are to be published and reviewed by the appropriate authorities.
We are also inviting views on our proposed approach to clarifying through statutory guidance that support to enable carers to follow leisure pursuits is an option under section 24 of the Act (Duty to provide support).
Why your views matter
To ensure that the final regulations are appropriate, fit for purpose and well informed by stakeholders, including those who will be involved in delivering the new provisions of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016.
What happens next
We will analyse and publish the results of the consultation on the Scottish Government website, along with any resulting steps identified that are necessary as a consequence. We will then review the draft regulations based on the consultation results prior to their being laid before the Scottish Parliament.
- Children and Families
- Health and Social Care
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