Consultation on a possible revision of the Councillors' Code of Conduct

Closed 8 Feb 2021

Opened 19 Oct 2020

Feedback updated 15 Feb 2023

We asked

We asked if you felt there was a need to revisde the Councillors Code of Conduct and if our revision was acceptable.

You said

90% of you agreed with the need for change.  Whilst most were happy with the revision you identified some need for clarity.

We did

We addressed those areas you identified as confusing either by redrafting those sections or providing additional guidance.


The Councillors’ Code of Conduct is being refreshed to make it easier to understand and to take account of developments in our society, such as the role of social media. We aim to strengthen the Code to reinforce the importance of behaving in a respectful manner and to make it clear that bullying and harassment is completely unacceptable and should not be tolerated. We aim to produce a Code that is fit for purpose and will ensure the highest standards of conduct by our councillors to maintain and strengthen the trust of those they are elected to serve.

Why your views matter

The Councillors’ Code of Conduct is a statutory document and this is a major rewrite of the Code. We wish to ensure that users and the public can understand the new revision. It should be a suitable guide to the standards of behaviour expected by elected councillors.

Read the consultation paper. 

A related consultation for the Model Code for Public Bodies is also being carried out separately at this time.

What happens next

We will make any changes deemed necessary before the document is laid before Parliament. If we are unable to act on any suggestion made during the consultation then we will provide feedback. It should also be noted that this is not a static document. It is anticipated the Code will be regularly reviewed and it may be possible to make changes to future versions if it is deemed appropriate to do so.


  • Building and Planning
  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Constitution and Democracy
  • Public Sector