Health and social care integration authority planning and performance reporting statutory guidance: consultation
Feedback updated 10 Jul 2024
We asked
We asked for feedback on revised draft statutory guidance focused on integration authority strategic plans and annual performance reports, which are requirements under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
The draft statutory guidance documents were revised in collaboration with a working group of partners from across health and social care. We were seeking further feedback and views through the public consultation.
You said
28 consultation responses were received in total. 19 of these responses were from organisations and 9 were from individuals.
On the whole, the responses indicated general support for the overall approach taken in updating and revising the guidance.
There was also a lot of useful, detailed feedback on information and areas of the guidance that could potentially be changed or improved.
We did
We published the responses to the consultation and a consultation report.
Using the feedback from the consultation, we further revised the guidance documents before final publication.
Changes made to the guidance included:
- adding a ministerial foreword
- re-ordering some parts of the guidance
- adding new sources of information
- clarifying and amending some of information already in the guidance
- making further links to other planning duties
Some feedback would have required changes to legislation. These views are helpful in considering and progressing development of the National Care Service.
We have also published an easy read version of this 'We asked, you said, we did' summary.
Published responses
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.
The strategic commissioning plans and performance reporting statutory guidance were initially published by the Scottish Government in 2015 and 2016. The purpose of the statutory guidance is to support integration authorities, who plan and direct the delivery of health and social care services, to produce strategic plans and annual performance reports.
Strategic plans and performance reports are requirements under the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. This legislation set the framework for the integration of health and social care by establishing integration authorities.
The Scottish Government brought together a working group, including partners from across health and social care, to refresh the guidance. The working group included organisations that represent supported people, carer organisations, those who plan and oversee the delivery of services, and many more partner organisations.
As part of this work, we do not intend to make changes or alterations to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 or the related regulations.
Re-drafts of the guidance have been produced through engagement with the working group. We are seeking to capture further feedback and views on these revised guidance documents.
Read the draft Strategic plans: statutory guidance or the Easy Read version of the Strategic plans: statutory guidance.
Read the draft Annual performance reports: statutory guidance or the Easy Read version of the Annual performance reports: statutory guidance.
The impact assessments below cover the impact of both the Strategic plans: statutory guidance and the Annual performance reports: statutory guidance.
Impact assessments
View the Equality Impact Assessment
View the Island Communities Impact Assessment
View the Fairer Scotland Duty summary
View the Children’s Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment
Why your views matter
This consultation is for everyone. We would like to hear from anyone involved in the planning and delivery of services, supported people, carers, as well as the wider public.
Your feedback will help us further improve the guidance and make it more helpful for integration authorities as they plan services. Your contribution could help improve services in your local area and across the rest of Scotland.
What happens next
All responses are currently being analysed and considered. An analysis report will be made available shortly.
Where respondents have given permission for their response to be made public, and after we have checked that they contain no potentially defamatory material, responses will be made available to the public.
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