What are we doing

Closed 14 Oct 2022

Opened 7 Jul 2022


To develop the Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, we are taking a range of approaches to build agreement among citizens, places, businesses and workers about priorities and where we most need to see action.  

The variety of approaches reflects our need to hear from a wide range of different groups. This is because different groups have different levels of background knowledge and different opportunities to get involved. 

We need to gather energy industry and technical expertise and views. This includes the energy industry, environmental groups, business, trades union voices, local authorities and delivery agencies.

These groups are fundamental but our approach recognises that many more voices need to be heard.  

For example, we want to create opportunities to hear the thoughts and perceptions of people and communities. These people may not be normally involved in climate policy discussions but will be affected by the changing system.

Some events will be by invitation and facilitated in order to explore specific issues or outcomes, while others will be completely open. Events will be organised by Scottish Government officials and consultants. However we’ll also ask partners to use our materials in order to take discussions far and wide and gather views. All of this will feed into the development of the draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.

the content of this image has been written out in full below

More Information

Strand one: technical constraints

Discussions with key energy stakeholders

Strand two: maximising opportunities, managing risks

Identifying priorities and actions that are needed to deliver fairness. Defining Just Transition outcomes for the energy transition.

  • who - groups likely to be affected by the energy transition, and key energy stakeholders
  • what - events, surveys, virtual meetings and online discussions
  • why - to learn from lived experience and explore how to deliver on Just Transition

There will be two engagement projects run by expert organisations in partnership with Scottish Government too:

  1. Just Transition outcome "sprints" - consecutive, linked events, which bring together multiple stakeholders, cross-sectoral voices and system-wide, national issues. These will start in July 2022.
  2. Place-based "participatory futures and community workshops" - interactive participatory futures events and workshops in specific locations (in Leven, Dumfries and Galloway, and Grangemouth) and one with young people.

    These events and workshops will be an opportunity to engage with people who would not normally be heard. We will be gathering evidence and case studies of how the energy transition can support 
    National Just Transition Outcomes

‘Place-based’ means that the discussion, issues raised and ideas put forward are specific to the area in question. This approach means that the differences between areas are important in designing actions relevant to that area.

Strand three: information sharing

Improving general understanding of our energy system and the implications with a rapid transition

  • who - anyone who is interested
  • what - in-person and virtual events including surveys, online crowdsourcing, social media polls and conversations

In addition, we will be sharing a range of energy-transition materials with partners. We will invite them to hold their own open-access events and consultations, and feed back to the development of the Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan.

Collectively, these activities will:

  • help build a vision for our energy transition
  • provide practical actions to guide the way we deliver our energy policies in a way that supports our National Just Transition Outcomes
  • help ensure a collective, joined-up approach to delivering an energy transformation that works for Scotland’s people


  • Just transition