National Strategy for Community Justice: Review Consultation

Closed 8 Nov 2021

Opened 27 Sep 2021

Feedback updated 28 Feb 2022

We asked

The current model for Community Justice came into operation on 1 April 2017, underpinned by the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (the Act), which places duties on a group of statutory partners to engage in community justice planning and to report against a set of nationally-determined outcomes.

 The Act also established Community Justice Scotland and required Scottish Ministers to produce a National Strategy for Community Justice, an Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework and Guidance for Local Partners to support the delivery of the new model.

 On 27 September 2021, the Scottish Government published a targeted consultation seeking views on the National Strategy for Community Justice. The consultation formed part of the statutory review of the strategy.

You said

There were 52 responses to the consultation. Of these the majority were received from groups/organisations and 12 were received from individuals.

 Overall, respondents were broadly supportive of the ambition of the current strategy and its usefulness in helping to establish the model of community justice, but some responses are critical of its clarity, impact and implementation structures. The key themes emerging from the responses to the consultation included:

  • Broad support for a shorter, more accessible strategy
  • The need to provide greater clarity of roles, responsibilities and actions for community justice partners
  • Clarity regarding connections between the strategic priorities and the work of local, national and third sector partners and alignment to existing structures and strategies
  • More prominence to trauma-informed practice, the needs of victims, partnership working and pandemic recovery
  • The need to reflect the voices of people with lived experience of the justice system, their families, victims and communities, in the planning, development and delivery of services

We did

The Scottish Government's analysis of responses to the National Strategy for Community Justice: Review Consultation has now been published.

The responses contributed to the Scottish Government concluding that a revised strategy was required. A public consultation on proposals for a revised strategy is currently being prepared, taking into account the learning and conclusions from the review. This consultation will be published in due course.

Results updated 28 Feb 2022

The Scottish Government's analysis of responses to the National Strategy for Community Justice: Review Consultation has now been published.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


This consultation invites comments as part of the review of the National Strategy for Community Justice.

As per section 16 of the Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016, Scottish Ministers must review the current strategy by 24 November 2021. Following this review, Scottish Ministers have committed to developing a new strategy, and it is expected that this will be published in Spring 2022, following a public consultation exercise in due course.

Please read the accompanying consultation document 'National Strategy for Community Justice: Review Consultation', and let us know your views.

Read the consultation paper

Why your views matter

This consultation is primarily intended for partners that are engaged with or have a direct interest in the current strategy. Alongside this consultation, we will also hold workshop discussions to further explore views on the strategy (if you are interested in taking part in one of our workshop discussions, please email: These activities will directly inform the approach to the new strategy.

Ensuring that partners have the opportunity to contribute to this review process is vital to the success of the new strategy. The objective of this engagement exercise is to learn what has worked well and what hasn’t over the past 5 years, and to assess what changes in approach to the strategy might be necessary, by seeking views on:

  • The current vision, mission statement, priorities and principles;
  • The impact of the current strategy; and
  • The future priorities for community justice.

What happens next

Following the review of the National Strategy for Community Justice, Scottish Ministers have committed to developing a new strategy, and it is expected that this will be published in Spring 2022, following a period of development and public consultation.


  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Law and Order