Registers of child welfare reporters, curators ad litem and of solicitors who may be appointed when an individual has been prohibited from conducting their case themselves

Closed 12 Jul 2021

Opened 22 Mar 2021

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Children (Scotland) Act 2020 (the 2020 Act) gained Royal Assent on 1 October 2020. The 2020 Act builds on the existing Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (the 1995 Act).

During the passage of the 2020 Act through the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government committed to a full and public consultation on the establishment of the registers of child welfare reporters, curators ad litem appointed in cases under section 11 of the 1995 Act and solicitors who can be appointed when an individual has been prohibited from personally conducting a case themselves. The last register covers both cases under section 11 of the 1995 Act and Children’s Hearings court proceedings.


Why your views matter

We are consulting to gain views from a range of stakeholders including children and young people and people who have direct experience of family court proceedings.

Read the consultation paper. 

What happens next

We will consider the responses to the consultation and this will inform the next steps in development of the register of child welfare reporters, register of curators ad litem appointed in cases under section 11 of the 1995 Act and register of solicitors appointed where a person has been prohibited from personally conducting their case themselves.


  • Children and Families
  • Law and Order