Getting the best from our land, consultation on a draft Land Use Strategy for Scotland 2016 - 2021
Results updated 31 Mar 2016
Published responses
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.
The first Land Use Strategy was published in March 2011. It initiated a step change towards a more integrated and strategic approach to land use. It is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 that the Strategy is reviewed every five years and that a revised Strategy is laid before the Scottish Parliament.
This consultation draft Land Use Strategy 2016-2021 builds on the first Strategy and retains the strategic Vision, Objectives and Principles for Sustainable Land Use. These are considered fit for purpose in terms of continuing to provide the strategic direction for sustainable land use matters. The consultation draft provides a focussed set of priority activities for the next five years and policies and proposals have been developed around the following themes:
Policy Context – policies and proposals which provide further clarity on current Scottish Government policy and reinforce and ensure consistent messages.
Informed Decision Making – policies and proposals which underpin decision making with improved data, increased accessibility and wider empowerment of communities and stakeholders in decision making.
Applying the Principles – policies and proposals which apply the Land Use Strategy Principles on the ground, either as specific projects or in ways which influence direct change on the ground.
The draft second Land Use Strategy is subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). SEA is a process applied to take into account the potential environmental impacts that may arise from the implementation of a plan, programme or strategy. It seeks to mitigate adverse effects and encourage enhancement of identified positive effects where possible. SEA is an open and transparent means of documenting how the environment has been considered in the plan making process. The results of this assessment process are set out in an Environmental Report. The consultation document should be read alongside the accompanying Environmental Report and comments are sought on both.
Why your views matter
The second Land Use Strategy 2016 – 2021 provides an integrated suite of policies and proposals that are intended to have an impact across a wide range of land use sectors. We invite you to be part of the land use debate and would like your views to help shape the second Strategy.
What happens next
Following the close of the consultation, responses to both the consultation document and the Environmental Report will be analysed and considered along with any other evidence. These findings will be used to shape the final Land Use Strategy 2016 -2021 which will be published in Spring 2016.
- Environment and Climate Change
- Farming and Rural
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