Purpose built student accommodation: notice to leave tenancy: provider survey

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Closes 31 Oct 2024


1. Are you responding for:
2. Do your tenancy agreements provide for students to leave before they end?
3(a). If you answered "yes, for specific reasons", for what reasons can students leave the tenancy agreement early?
3(b). If you answered "yes, for specific reasons" or "yes, no reasons required", is there a required notice period?
4. If rental payments are made up front, are students refunded rent/accommodation costs?
5. If students are fully or partially refunded, how are these refunds made?
6. How much is typically refunded and how many months does this equate to?
7. If legislation was to be introduced creating a requirement for notice periods, under what circumstances do you think they should apply?
8(a). Annually, how many requests to terminate tenancy agreements do you receive from tenants?
8(b). What percentage of beds you manage in total does this equate to?
9. Annually, what percentage of requests do you agree to?
10. Annually, how many empty rooms/beds (voids) do you have on average as a direct result of students leaving their accommodation early?
11. On average, how long does it take to relet empty accommodation?
12. What is the current financial impact of empty accommodation, unlet due to early tenancy agreement termination, on your business?
13. What do you consider the financial impact of empty accommodation would be if students are given the right to end tenancy agreements early?
14. Please provide any additional information you think would be useful in relation to notice periods