Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on legislation

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Closes 20 Sep 2024

Simplifying responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support

Chapter 2 of this consultation sets out the options for changes to what the public bodies do. It sets out the potential consequential changes for their purposes and functions. Finally, it sets out the potential opportunities from bringing apprenticeship provision into one place and student support into one place.

When responding to the below questions, you might want to consider whether you think any of these proposals make it easier or more difficult to:

  • put the learner at the centre and overcome barriers to participation
  • take forward other post-school reform actions set out in chapter 1
  • boost the economy
  • reduce child poverty
  • tackle climate change.

You might also want to consider the impact on:

  • equality and diversity of learners
  • equity of different ways of learning
  • data collection and reporting
  • learning outcomes.

You may wish to refer back to the consultation paper while answering the below questions. 


Proposal 1: business as usual

Post-school education and skills funding would continue to be delivered as now through the three public bodies [i.e. Scottish Funding Council (SFC), Scottish Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) and Skills Development Scotland (SCS)].

Proposal 2: consolidate all provision funding within SFC and all student support funding within SAAS

  • moving National Training Programmes (including provision for apprenticeships) funding and functions from SDS to SFC; and
  • moving college student support funding and functions from SFC to SAAS so that all student support funding is delivered through SAAS.

Proposal 3: consolidate all provision funding and all student support funding within SFC

  • moving National Training Programmes (including provision for apprenticeships) funding and functions from SDS to SFC; and
  • moving SAAS student support funding and functions to SFC.
1. Which of the three proposals do you prefer?
2. What do you think are the main advantages of your preferred proposal?
3. What do you think could be the biggest challenges with your preferred proposal?
4. Are there any other factors you think we should consider in making a decision?