Planning system - promotion and mediation: draft guidance - consultation

Closed 12 Mar 2021

Opened 15 Dec 2020

Feedback updated 17 Aug 2021

We asked

We sought views on draft guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system, primarily in pre-application consultation and in development planning. We also asked for people’s views on potential links with the fourth National Planning Framework and new development  planning provisions.

A public consultation took place between 15 December 2020 and 12 March 2021.

You said

We received 41 responses to the consultation of which 31 were from groups/organisations and 10 from members of the public.

We did

Craigforth were commissioned to undertake an independent analysis of all responses.  The report Planning system - promotion and use of mediation - draft guidance: consultation analysis presents the findings from the public consultation and explains the methodology that was used to analyse responses.

Where permission to publish has been provided, the consultation responses are now available to view online.

The responses, together with the analysis report, have informed and shaped the guidance in Planning Circular 2/2021 - planning system - promotion and use of mediation: guidance which was published on 21 July 2021.  

In light of the consultation responses, we are currently considering how the use of mediation can be supported through National Planning Framework 4 and what, if any, scope there may be for further links with the new development plan system.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


This consultation paper relates to the introduction of guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system. It provides draft guidance to planning authorities, developers, communities and other potential parties on the use of mediation in development planning and in pre-application consultation.

The draft guidance is part of our wider work on planning reform and implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, including steps to reduce conflict, improve community engagement and build public trust in planning matters. Other measures include: enhancements to community engagement in local development plans; the introduction of a right for community bodies to prepare Local Place Plans; and amendments to legislation around pre-application consultation with communities on major planning applications. The Scottish Government has already consulted on amendments to pre-application consultation arrangements and will consult soon in early 2021 on secondary legislation for the development of Local Place Plans.

Why your views matter

The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 requires Scottish Ministers to prepare and issue guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system. It must be issued by July 2021. This consultation paper seeks views on proposals for draft guidance for the promotion and use of mediation. It also seeks views on the impact assessments in relation to the proposals.

The results of the consultation will assist the Scottish Government in finalising the guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system.

Read the consultation paper. 

What happens next

Following the closure of the consultation, we will undertake an independent analysis of the responses. The results of the consultation will assist the Scottish Government in finalising the guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 requires that the guidance is published by July 2021.


  • Building and Planning