Independent Child Trafficking Guardians

Closed 17 Nov 2019

Opened 26 Aug 2019

Feedback updated 19 Dec 2019

We asked

We sought your views on the appointment and functions of an Independent Child Trafficking Guardian (ICTG); and also on some of the wider operational issues concerned with the provision of a new ICTG service that will support children and young people who are, or vulnerable to becoming, victims of trafficking.

You said

You provided us with 40 responses to our consultation questions.  These included responses from 19 organisations, 18 Individuals and 3 who wished to remain anonymous.

With regard to the appointment and functions of ICTG’s, our initial analysis of the responses found that a majority were in agreement with the proposed functions of the new role.  A number of helpful suggestions, references and requests for clarification were provided to ensure that the support provided by the new service is robust. 

On the broader issues we asked you about regarding additional support for victims, measures to prevent re-trafficking, data sharing and conduct, you have provided some really helpful suggestions that will inform the design of the new service and any supporting guidance we develop. 

We did

Responses to the consultation have now been published where permission has been obtained to do so.  Analysis of the responses is ongoing and we will publish a full and more detailed analysis report on the responses we received to this consultation by February 2020.

The responses received will inform the development of the new Independent Child Trafficking Guardian role.  It is anticipated that the role will be fully implemented in 2021 to allow sufficient time to draft regulations and guidance and complete a tendering exercise for the new role.

Results updated 2 Feb 2021

The consultation anylsis report was pubished on 11 May 2020 and can be found here. 


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


This consultation is seeking views on the appointment, role and responsibilities of Independent Child Trafficking Guardians and other wider operational details.

Why your views matter

Your responses to this consultation will inform what regulations and guidance will cover and help us to design the role of independent child trafficking guardians and a national service to support the role.

Read the consultation paper


  • Children and Families
  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Equality, Welfare and Rights
  • International