Consultation on Proposed Sites to Host Inshore Fisheries Pilots 2017

Closed 22 Feb 2018

Opened 30 Nov 2017

Feedback updated 25 Jun 2018

We asked

In July 2017, Marine Scotland invited proposals from the commercial fishing sector for areas to be considered under the Inshore Fisheries Pilots initiative.

Seven proposals were received and are available to view on the Scottish Government websiteMarine Scotland brought forward five of the proposals for consultation, due to their practical application and being most in line with the stated aims of the initiative. These proposals covered: the Inner Sound of Skye, the Isle of Mull, the Orkney Isles, the Outer Hebrides, and Arbroath and Montrose

The consultation document explored each of the proposals in turn, and sought views on which pilots Marine Scotland should introduce in order to explore alternative approaches to managing inshore fisheries.

You said

There were 122 respondents to the consultation, consisting of 95 private individuals and 27 organisations. Respondents represented a broad cross-section of stakeholders; from those whose living is dependent on fishing, to environmental groups, local authorities and interested individuals.

Respondents provided a range of constructive comments on the pilot proposals. The consultation outcome report provides an analysis of these responses and identifies supportive and unsupportive groups (where possible). Themes in responses are then examined, placing particular emphasis on recurrent themes in answers.

We did

Following consideration of how consistent the proposals were with the criteria set out in the proposal form guidance and the responses received to the consultation, Marine Scotland will move to put in place the following pilots:

  • A seasonal restriction on mobile gear fishing near Mull
  • A restriction on creel numbers in the Outer Hebrides
  • Zonal fishing management in the waters off Arbroath and Montrose

The proposals for the Inner Sound of Skye and Orkney will not be introduced as a result of this exercise.

Further information on the decision making process is available in the consultation outcome report.

Results updated 25 Jun 2018

The consultation outcome report summarises feedback to questions posed in the consultation and provides Marine Scotland’s response to each pilot proposal, taking into account: consistency with the criteria set out in proposal form guidance, consultation feedback and wider considerations.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


On 25 May 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity, Fergus Ewing MSP, announced the Inshore Fisheries Pilots initiative. The aim of this initiative is to explore alternative approaches to managing inshore fisheries, in order to ensure our coastal communities are making the most of our waters.

The pilots will investigate two different methods of fisheries management:

  • A localised approach to fisheries management, where fishing interests are involved in developing distinct local arrangements; and
  • The impact of separating different methods of fishing, such as creeling and trawling, within specified areas.

The commercial fishing industry was invited to submit proposals for sites that should be considered for the initiative and, following an assessment by Marine Scotland, five different proposals have been brought forward for public consultation. The intention is that, following this consultation, new management arrangements will be introduced at two sites for a two-year period.

To read the consultation paper, please CLICK HERE.

Once you have read the paper, please complete the questionnaire by following the 'Begin Consultation' link below.

Why your views matter

We want to hear your views on which of the proposals in the consultation should be introduced as pilots by Marine Scotland. As far as possible we have sought to bring you the proposals as submitted to Marine Scotland, to ensure that stakeholder views are sought at an early stage of development.

In each case, given the information in the submitted proposals and the additional analysis carried out by Marine Scotland, we want to know:

  • In general what is your view of the proposal?
  • Your specific views on the potential impacts of the proposal, both positive and negative.

We particularly wish to hear from those likely to be directly or indirectly impacted by any of the proposals.

What happens next

The views and suggestions received in consultation responses will be analysed and will inform our decision making process. Final decisions on the introduction of new management measures will also take account of a range of other factors, including any other available information and research evidence, and variations of the proposals may be introduced.


  • Marine and Fisheries