National specification for the care and treatment of eating disorders in Scotland

Closed 26 Jan 2024

Opened 27 Oct 2023


We want to hear your views on the draft National Specification for the Care and Treatment of Eating Disorders in Scotland.

Mental health and wellbeing support

People are invited to share their experiences of the eating disorder care and treatment they have received. However, we understand that sometimes it can be hard to talk or write about these experiences, whether your own or someone else’s.

It is up to you to decide what questions you want to answer during the consultation. There is no need to respond to them all.

If you are affected by any of the issues covered in this document and need support, help is available:

Read the consultation paper 

In this consultation, we have asked a number of questions about the Specification. 

  • Part One of the consultation asks questions about the Specification as an entire document.
  • Part Two and Three ask questions on specific outcomes, and for your thoughts on how we might measure these.

If your time is limited, you may focus on Part One of the consultation which contains seven questions. Answering these questions will allow you to feedback on the Specification overall, and includes a space for you to include any additional comments.

Part Two of the consultation consists of more detailed questions on each Outcome.

Part Three asks more detailed and technical questions to gather opinions about how we can support services in order to implement the Specification and how we plan to measure their implementation. This part of the consultation may be most relevant to people who have experience working in, or running services, but we welcome everyone's views.

Why your views matter

We know that currently not everyone has the same experiences or outcomes when they access services that provide eating disorder treatment. We want the Specification to help make sure that services meet your needs whoever you are and whatever your background.

Answering the questions will help us develop the final Specification, and refine how we will measure its implementation.

The views you express will be carefully considered, whether you answer all of the questions or only some of them. In order to show what people have said, a summary will be published of all the responses. We aim to publish the final version of the Specification in early 2024.

What happens next

This consultation is now closed.

We have been made aware that some stakeholders and individuals have not yet had the opportunity to submit their response, therefore consultation responses will be accepted via email until 9 February 2024.

Responses submitted via email will be included in the analysis of this consultation.

Consultation questions can be found in our consultation paper.

Please email responses along with a respondent information form to: or


  • Health and Social Care
  • Main hub