Suicide Prevention Strategy Development Questionnaire

Closed 7 Jan 2022

Opened 27 Sep 2021

Feedback updated 17 Jun 2022

We asked

You to share your views about what should be contained in Scotland's new Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan. 

You said

A summary of views gathered is available at this link: Suicide prevention strategy development: early engagement - summary report

We did

We are using the report to inform development of the strategy and action plan and will go out to public consultation again in Summer 2022. A link will be provided here when the consultation is live. 

Results updated 17 Jun 2022

A summary report of views gathered during the early engagement phase to support development of Scotland's new suicide prevention strategy and action plan 2022 is available on the Scottish Government website at the below link.



Scottish Government and the Convention for Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) have committed to jointly develop a new suicide prevention strategy for Scotland 

This will use the available evidence and intelligence to build on the work which has already been undertaken across Scotland to help prevent suicide, address any gaps in our knowledge, actions or implementation and develop any new priorities and/or emerging areas of work from, for example, the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

This questionnaire forms one part of the first stage of engagement to develop the next suicide prevention strategy. In addition to the questionnaire there are online events where you can also share your thoughts and ideas. Details of these events and how to attend them can be found on the COSLA website.

All responses will be analysed and themed. A working group will then utilise these responses along with feedback from future engagement exercises to inform the development of the Suicide Prevention Strategy to be published in September 2022.

Why your views matter

The Scottish Government's vision, which is shared by our partners in mental health and suicide prevention, is of a Scotland where suicide is preventable, and where help and support is available to anyone contemplating suicide and to those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Suicide prevention is everyone's business. Therefore, engagement and consultation with a wide range of stakeholders is a crucial aspect of the new strategy development.

If for any reason you are unable to respond to this survey through the consultation hub you can download, print off and return by post or email by selecting the "respond offline" option in the below "related documents" section

What happens next

The questionnaire will close at midnight on 21 November and all responses will be analysed and themed. A working group will then utilise these responses along with feedback from future engagement exercises to inform the development of the Suicide Prevention Strategy to be published in September 2022.


  • Health and Social Care