Review of National Outcomes: call for evidence

Closed 12 Jun 2023

Opened 14 Mar 2023

Feedback updated 16 Jul 2024

We asked

A review of the National Outcomes is required by the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. We asked for views on whether the existing National Outcomes reflect the kind of Scotland people want to see, and what changes should be made to the National Outcomes. We held an online consultation for members of the public to respond to, and a separate call for evidence, which was primarily aimed at stakeholders and organisations. This also asked for views on implementation of the National Performance Framework.  

The consultation and call for evidence were open from 14 March to 12 June 2023. 

You said

We received a total of 87 responses to the consultation and 125 responses to the call for evidence. The main themes emerging from the responses were around proposals for new National Outcomes, or changes to the existing National Outcomes. In particular, Care, Housing and Homelessness, Transport, and Environment/Climate Change were prominent themes in this area. The implementation of the National Outcomes was also an area that was frequently mentioned, covering policy, delivery, funding, legislation, accountability, and communications and engagement. We also received feedback on the name, format  and purpose of the National Performance Framework.  

Further detail of the analysis and results can be found in the thematic analysis summary report.  

We did

Following analysis of the evidence received, a revised set of National Outcomes has been drafted and laid in Parliament for consultation. The parliamentary report can be read here. The new National Outcomes will be published once parliamentary scrutiny has concluded.  


The proposed revised National Outcomes are: 


CARE We are cared for as we need throughout our lives and value all those providing care  


CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE We grow up loved, safe and respected and every single one of us can realise our full potential 


CLIMATE ACTION We live sustainably, achieve a just transition to net zero and build Scotland’s resilience to climate change 


COMMUNITIES We live in communities that are connected, inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe 


CULTURE We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely 


WELLBEING ECONOMY AND FAIR WORK We have a competitive, entrepreneurial economy that is fair, green and growing, with thriving businesses and industry and fair work for everyone 


EDUCATION AND LEARNING We are well educated, have access to high quality learning throughout our lives and are able to contribute to society 


ENVIRONMENT We actively protect, restore, enhance and enjoy our natural environment  


EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS We respect, protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination 


HEALTH We are mentally and physically healthy and active 


HOUSING We live in safe, high-quality and affordable homes that meet our needs 


INTERNATIONAL We are connected, open, show leadership and make a positive contribution globally. 


REDUCE POVERTY We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally. 


It is also proposed that the purpose of the National Performance Framework is updated to ‘To improve the wellbeing of people living in Scotland now and in the future.’  


Results updated 17 Jul 2024


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Government are undertaking a review of the National Outcomes. This is a requirement within every five years, under the Community Empowerment Act (2015).

The National Outcomes are laid out in the National Performance Framework. This is Scotland’s wellbeing framework, which sets out the type of Scotland we want to see, and measures progress towards the National Outcomes.

Find out more about the National Outcomes.

We want to know whether the existing National Outcomes are the right ones. Your views will help us decide what changes we need to consider.

The Scottish Government must consult with communities as part of this review, to ensure the National Outcomes reflect what matters most to communities in Scotland. This Call for Evidence is one part of the review, alongside the written consultation. We will also be reviewing previous consultation exercises to understand more about what matters most to communities in Scotland and meeting with stakeholders.

Call for Evidence

We invite you to submit any information of relevance to the review of the National Outcomes by uploading your response. 

If you are responding as an individual rather than as an organisation, you may prefer to respond to the written consultation.


Read the consultation paper 

Read the easy read version of the consultation paper

Why your views matter

The National Outcomes set out the kind of Scotland we all want to see. It is therefore vital that we hear from communities in Scotland about what matters most to you, so that we can ensure the National Outcomes reflect our shared priorities. Our collective wellbeing is a matter for all of us – government, charities, communities, businesses and people – working together to make these National Outcomes a reality. This consultation will inform the National Outcomes we work towards for the next five years.


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