Review of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement Act) 2006: A Call for Evidence
The National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) are conducting a review on behalf of Scottish Ministers into the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 and surrounding policy framework on involving and engaging parents.
This review aims to:
- identify and celebrate what has been achieved in 10 years, ie. to identify “what works” and what has worked over the last 10 years
- consider the impact of the Parental Involvement Act and the extent to which it has achieved it original aims under the three strands of the legislative and policy framework – Learning at Home, Home/School Partnership and Parental Representation
- take account of more recent developments including the renewed emphasis on raising attainment and closing the gap, the National Improvement Framework, Scottish Attainment Challenge and innovative models of parent involvement – and consider how policy and practice should respond to these priorities in future
- make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the future policy and legal framework on parental engagement
The NPFS are keen to consider views from a wide range of stakeholders and issued three separate Calls for Evidence at the end of September:
- A Call to Parent Councils – deadline 31st October
- A Call to parents, families and carers – deadline 31st October
- A Call to educationalists, professionals and organisations – deadline 6th November
Parents, Carers and family members are invited to click on the link below to send their views:
Parent Councils are invited to click on the link below:
Organisations and professionals are invited to click on the link below
For more information go to the National Parent Forum website at:
- Children and Families
- Communities and Third Sector
- Education
- Equality, Welfare and Rights
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