Revising small area statistics geographies: data zones and intermediate zones

Closes 1 Oct 2024

Section 1: data zones

We are inviting respondents to propose changes to Data Zones and Intermediate Zones. Proposals must follow the requirements outlined in the consultaion document, such as ensuring the proposals are within the required population limits.

For Data Zones, changes can be made by moving entire Output Areas in or out of proposed Data Zones. Intermediate Zones can be changed by amending the underlying Data Zones and/or moving entire Data Zones in or out of proposed Intermediate Zones.

This consultation is set out in two sections:

  1. Data Zones
  2. Intermediate Zones

You will first be asked about Data Zones before being asked about Intermediate Zones.

Are you content with the proposed 2022 Data Zones?

If you select no, you will be given the opportunity to provide further comments on Data Zones, before moving onto section 2 on Intermediate Zones.

If you select yes, you will be taken to section 2 on Intermediate Zones.
