Fee proposals for registers introduced by the Moveable Transactions (Scotland) Act

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Closes 16 Sep 2024


1. Do you agree with the below proposals for the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP) registration fees?

Proposed fees for registration in the RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for registration in the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP):

  • To register an Assignation document in the RoA – £80
    • Where an Assignation document assigns different claims to different assignees - £80 for each claim for which registration is applied for.
  • To register a Statutory Pledge document or an Amendment of Statutory Pledge document in the RSP – £80.
    • Where a Statutory Pledge document creates more than one Statutory Pledge - £80 for each Statutory Pledge for which registration is applied for.
    • Where an Amendment of Statutory Pledge document amends more than one RSP Record entry - £80 for each RSP Record entry amended.
2. Do you agree with the proposals below for the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP) correction fees?

Proposed fees for correction in the RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for correction in the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP):

  • For correction of the RoA under section 29(1) (correction by Court Direction) - £0
  • For correction of the RoA under section 29(2) (manifest inaccuracy correction by Keeper) - £0
  • For correction of the RSP under S.96(1) (correction by secured creditor) - £20 per record corrected
  • For correction of the RSP under S.98(6) (correction by correction demand) - £20 per record corrected
  • For correction of the RSP under S.100(1) (correction by court direction) - £0
  • For correction of the RSP under S.100(2) (manifest inaccuracy correction by the Keeper) - £0.
3. Do you agree that a combined Amendment of a Statutory Pledge and correction should attract a single fee?

More information

It is proposed that, where an applicant for registration of an Amendment of a Statutory Pledge under S.88(1) also corrects the Record under S.96(1) (correction by secured creditor), the fee should be £80 for each entry affected.

4. Do you agree that there should be no rejection fee?

Proposed fees for rejection in RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for rejection in the Register of Assignations and Register of Statutory Pledges:

  • Where an application for registration is rejected under either S.23(4) (Assignation), S.86(3) (Statutory Pledge) or S.88(3) (Amendment of Statutory Pledge), or any combination of same, the fee will be £0.
  • Where an application for correction is rejected under either S.96(3) (correction by secured creditor) or S.99(2) (correction by correction demand), the fee will be £0.
5. Do you agree that the fee for searching should mirror the ScotLIS search fee for the Keeper’s other registers as at the date that both new registers go live?

More information

It is proposed that the fees for searching either of the Register of Assignations or Register of Statutory Pledges through the Registers of Scotland online system (including a nil return) will mirror the ScotLIS search fee for the Keeper’s other registers as at the date that both new registers go live, which fee is currently £3 and is subject to review.

6. Do you agree with the below proposals for Extract fees?

Proposed fees for Extracts from the RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for Extracts from the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP):

  • Extract of an entry, or part of an entry, in the RoA or RSP Record - £35.
  • Extract of an entry, or part of an entry, or of a document, or part of a document, from the RoA or RSP Archive Record - £35.
7. Do you agree with the below proposals for plain copy fees?

Proposed fees for plain copies from RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for plain copies from the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP):

  • Plain copy of an entry, or part of an entry, in the RoA or RSP Record - £25.
  • Plain copy of an entry, or part of an entry, or of a document, or part of a document, from the RoA or RSP Archive Record - £25.
  • Plain copy of a document issued at date of application for registration - £20.
8. Do you agree with the below proposal for a register inspection fee?

Proposed fees for requests to inspect RoA and RSP

The following fees are proposed for requests to inspect the Register of Assignations (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP):

  • Request for inspection of one entry (including response) in either the RoA or RSP Record - £30.
9. Do you agree with the below proposal that Registers of Scotland (RoS) should have the ability to vary statutory fees by an amount not exceeding £10 in such circumstances as described?


It is proposed that the Keeper should have the power to vary Register of Assignation (RoA) and Register of Statutory Pledges (RSP) fees between Fees Orders, up to a maximum of £10, with such limitations and conditions as Scottish Ministers may impose, all is specified by Fees Order’.

10. Do you have any other comments to make on the proposals in this consultation?