Adult Disability Payment Review: consultation

Closes 23 Aug 2024

Opened 28 Jun 2024


This consultation is being hosted on behalf of Edel Harris OBE in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment. The consultation is mainly meant for people with lived and living experience of accessing – or trying to access – Adult Disability Payment, although anyone can respond. A separate call for evidence that is mainly meant for organisations to respond to is also available.

Read the consultation paper. The consultation paper contains full background information for this consultation. You may find it useful to read or refer to while responding.

Read the Easy Read version of the consultation paper.

Please note BSL and other language translations will be published shortly.

Why your views matter

The Chair wants to hear directly from disabled people, terminally ill people, and people living with long term mental and physical health conditions as part of the Independent Review, about their experiences of Adult Disability Payment. The Chair also want to hear from people and organisations who support people who currently or are likely to access Adult Disability Payment.

You may not identify as a disabled person. You might have a long-term health condition that affects your day-to-day life, but your experience is just as important. Gathering all your views will help the Chair make recommendations to the Scottish Government to improve Adult Disability Payment.

Give us your views


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