Call for Evidence for the Independent Review of Adult Disability Payment

Closes 23 Aug 2024

Take-up for seldom heard groups

The Social Security Scotland Charter specifically states that the Scottish Government will ensure as many people as possible get the benefits they are entitled to. This includes making a particular effort to reach people who are most likely to be excluded.

Related information

The term 'seldom-heard groups' refers to under-represented people who face barriers in engaging with others. Examples of people who may be considered as having seldom-heard voices include:
• people experiencing homelessness
• people whose first language is not English
• people experiencing domestic violence
• people living in rural or island communities
• people with learning difficulties
• carers
• lone parents
• refugees and asylum seekers
• LGBTI people
• ethnic minority groups.

1. Thinking about take-upĀ of Adult Disability Payment for seldom-heard groups, what evidence exists about:
2. In relation to Adult Disability Payment, can you provide evidence about any initiatives or activities that have measurably increased: (a) awareness (b) take-up? You may wish to consider both in the context of seldom-heard groups or more widely.