Scottish Aggregates Tax - proposed administration regulations
2B. Weight of aggregate
Sections 2.A. - 2.H., set out the proposed SAT administration regulations. This will specify the administration requirements associated with the tax, to ensure that it can be successfully introduced on 1 April 2026.
Please see Chapter 2, pages 8-21 of the consultation paper.
Chapter 2B. sets out the basic method for determining the weight of aggregate for the purposes of the tax and provides for specified and agreed methods to be used. The chapter additionally stipulates that where a quantity of aggregate is not weighed in accordance with this part, which has resulted in potential lost revenue, then the resultant inaccuracy in the tax return is deemed to be deliberate for the purposes of section 182 of RSTPA and the penalty is to be calculated in accordance with section 183 of RSTPA. A copy of the draft legislative provisions is contained in Annex A of the consultation paper.