Active Travel Infrastructure Fund 2025-26: Design Project
Transport Scotland is pleased to invite Local Authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships and National Park Authorities to apply for funding for the 2025-26 Active Travel Infrastructure Fund (ATIF) for Tier 2 Design.
The ATIF aims to fund schemes which contribute to meeting the Scottish Government’s vision that ‘by 2030 people will make walking, wheeling and cycling their most popular choice for short journeys'. Please read this in conjunction with the guidance on the design aspect of the fund and the types of projects that will be eligible for funding.
Please click here to download the design guidance document
Please click here to download the FAQ
We are aware that some of the detail in this application form may be challenging to complete, particularly for Stages 0-2. However, please provide your most informed position at this point in time and caveat it as you see fit. We do appreciate that much of this information will be refined over time as further work is undertaken.
‘This form should be used for applications which are for stages 0-2 and 3-4. If you wish to apply for both you will need to submit two different forms, one for each.
- Transport