Response 877720988

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Information about you

Contact details and publishing consent:

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Individual
Radio button: Unticked Organisation/Group
Title* (Required)
Forename or initials* (Required)
Surname* (Required)
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Radio button: Unticked Publish this response
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish this response
Radio button: Ticked Your name along with your response
Radio button: Unticked Just your response (anonymous)
Radio button: Unticked Please do not publish my response at all

Please indicate which of the sectors you most align yourself/your organisation with for the purpose of this consultation (please tick the one most applicable to you)

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Animal Welfare Organisation
Radio button: Unticked Collar manufacturer
Radio button: Unticked Dog Society
Radio button: Unticked Local Authority
Radio button: Unticked Cat Society
Radio button: Unticked Veterinarian
Radio button: Unticked Animal Trainer
Radio button: Unticked Member of the general public
Radio button: Unticked Animal Behaviourist
Radio button: Unticked Retailer
Radio button: Unticked Pet Owner
Radio button: Ticked Other
If 'Other', please specify
professional dog walker

Please indicate where you currently reside.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Scotland
Radio button: Unticked England
Radio button: Unticked Wales
Radio button: Unticked Northern Ireland
Radio button: Unticked Republic of Ireland
Radio button: Unticked Other

Evidence on electronic training aids

1. Do you have evidence of any intentional or unintentional misuse or abuse of any type of electronic training aids in Scotland?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

2. Do you have evidence of positive outcomes following the use of electronic training aids in Scotland?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Existing animal welfare protection

3. Do you believe that this is sufficient to protect animals who wear electronic training aids?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please explain why.
There is no need to use a device that works by causing pain, discomfort or fear to dogs and the only people who use them are people who do not understand basic learning theories and animal body language. Using fear and pain to train animals has consequences that can increase the likelihood of a dog becoming more aggressive and/or suppressing communication signals making them more unpredictable.

4. Do you think that Scottish Government guidance or a statutory welfare code is required?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Ban or regulations

5. Thinking about the current legislation, which one of the following do you think is necessary?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked A complete ban of certain devices
Radio button: Unticked Stricter regulations
Radio button: Unticked A combination of bans and stricter regulations depending on devices
Radio button: Unticked Scottish Government guidance or a statutory welfare code
Radio button: Unticked Nothing, current legislation is sufficient
Radio button: Unticked Don’t Know
Please explain why
There is reason for these unethical devices to be used and a clear statement by the government will force people to use ethical training methods.

6. In your opinion, which, if any of the devices listed should be banned? (Please select all the devices you think should be banned.)

Remote training collars Static pulse Checkbox: Checked Static pulse Remote training collars Spray Checkbox: Checked Spray Remote training collars Sonic Checkbox: Checked Sonic Remote training collars Vibrate Checkbox: Checked Vibrate
Anti-bark Collars Static pulse Checkbox: Checked Static pulse Anti-bark Collars Spray Checkbox: Checked Spray Anti-bark Collars Sonic Checkbox: Checked Sonic Anti-bark Collars Vibrate Checkbox: Checked Vibrate
Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Boundary Fence Systems - Static Pulse
Checkbox: Unticked Don't know
Please explain why.
Punishment based training has been proven to increase the likelihood of a dog becoming more aggressive or unpredictable. It is totally unnecessary as ethical force free training is more effective

Potential regulation

7. In your opinion, which, if any, of the devices listed require regulation? (Please select all the devices you think should be regulated.)

Remote training collars Static pulse Checkbox: Checked Static pulse Remote training collars Spray Checkbox: Checked Spray Remote training collars Sonic Checkbox: Checked Sonic Remote training collars Vibrate Checkbox: Checked Vibrate
Anti-bark collars Static pulse Checkbox: Checked Static pulse Anti-bark collars Spray Checkbox: Checked Spray Anti-bark collars Sonic Checkbox: Checked Sonic Anti-bark collars Vibrate Checkbox: Checked Vibrate
Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Boundary Fence Systems - Static Pulse
Checkbox: Ticked Don't know

8. If the use of electronic training aids was regulated, what conditions should be required for the authorisation of their use? Please explain why you think that this is necessary.

If the use of electronic training aids was regulated, what conditions should be required for the authorisation of their use? Please explain why you think that this is necessary.
They should be banned

Use and financial impact - Pet owners

10. Have you ever bought an electronic training device?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Use and financial impact - Manufacturers/retailers

13. Would your business/company be affected by any ban or stricter regulations put on the use in Scotland of any of the electronic training aids listed?

Static pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Spray Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Spray No Checkbox: Checked No Spray Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Sonic Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Sonic No Checkbox: Checked No Sonic Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Vibrate Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Vibrate No Checkbox: Checked No Vibrate Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Static pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Spray Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Spray No Checkbox: Checked No Spray Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Sonic Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Sonic No Checkbox: Checked No Sonic Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Vibrate Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Vibrate No Checkbox: Checked No Vibrate Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Static pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know

Use and financial impact - Dog trainers/behaviourists/manufacturers/retailers

16. Would a ban or restriction in Scotland on the use of any of the electronic training aids listed have an effect on your business or organisation?

Static Pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static Pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static Pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Spray Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Spray No Checkbox: Checked No Spray Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Sonic Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Sonic No Checkbox: Checked No Sonic Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Vibrate Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Vibrate No Checkbox: Checked No Vibrate Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Static pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Spray Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Spray No Checkbox: Checked No Spray Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Sonic Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Sonic No Checkbox: Checked No Sonic Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Vibrate Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Vibrate No Checkbox: Checked No Vibrate Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know
Static Pulse Yes Checkbox: Not checked Yes Static Pulse No Checkbox: Checked No Static Pulse Don't know Checkbox: Not checked Don't know

Use and financial impact - Pet behaviourists/pet trainers

18. Approximately how many dogs did you recommend the use of electronic training collars for in Scotland in 2014?

Approximately how many dogs did you recommend the use of electronic training collars for in Scotland in 2014?

About the consultation

20. Please provide any other comments you may wish to add on a potential ban or regulation of electronic training devices.

I believe that the use of electronic collars and devices is cruel and unnecessary. I also believe that a ban on their sale would give a clear message to people who do not realise the cruelty they are inflicting by using them. Cruel training methods lead to dangerous unpredictable dogs.

21. Do you consider that that consultation explained the key issues sufficiently to properly consider your responses?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

22. Do you consider that you had sufficient time to respond to the consultation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No