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West Lothian Council
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West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
West Lothian
Howden South Road
West Lothian
Organisation/Group postcode**
EH54 6FF
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1.. Do you agree or disagree that the same information should be required for a licence application, licence renewal, and licence transfer?
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Don't know
Please provide reasons for why you agree or disagree with the proposal.
Information relating to a site and its operation can change with time. For effective regulation, up to date, accurate information must be provided. The requirement to provide the same information must be subject to practical considerations, such as the potential absence of a post code until the Royal Mail accepts that the site will be an address to which mail will be delivered. To minimise burdens, applicants should be permitted to reference previously supplied documents, plans etc. where no change has occurred.
Local authorities must be able to ask for additional information at application, renewal and transfer stages.
Local authorities must be able to ask for additional information at application, renewal and transfer stages.
2.. If you do not agree, and believe that different information should be provided with different types of applications (e.g. for a licence application, licence renewal, or licence transfer).
Licence Application: Information you believe should be required and reasons why.
Information on the ownership of the site should be provided to clarify the relationship between the occupier and the site. The occupier may be the owner, an employee of the owner, a tenant, or where an organisation is concerned, the owner and occupier could be different parts of an organisation.
The applicant should demonstrate suitable planning consent exists.
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
The applicant should demonstrate suitable planning consent exists.
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
Licence Renewal: Information you believe should be required and reasons why.
Information on the ownership of the site should be provided to clarify the relationship between the occupier and the site. The occupier may be the owner, an employee of the owner, a tenant, or where an organisation is concerned, the owner and occupier could be different parts of an organisation.
If not provided at the initial application, the full postal address must be provided (including post code)
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
If not provided at the initial application, the full postal address must be provided (including post code)
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
Licence Transfer: Information you believe should be required and reasons why.
Information on the ownership of the site should be provided to clarify the relationship between the occupier and the site. The occupier may be the owner, an employee of the owner, a tenant, or where an organisation is concerned, the owner and occupier could be different parts of an organisation.
If not provided at the initial application, the full postal address must be provided (including post code).
The applicant should demonstrate suitable planning consent exists. It may be that planning consent was of limited duration or personalised and is therefore not applicable to a new occupier.
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
If not provided at the initial application, the full postal address must be provided (including post code).
The applicant should demonstrate suitable planning consent exists. It may be that planning consent was of limited duration or personalised and is therefore not applicable to a new occupier.
Contact information should include phone and e-mail contacts.
3a. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take receiving, logging and electronically storing information related to the application into account when setting fees?
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Reasons for your answer
Subject to caveats, in subsequent answers in this section.
3b. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take compiling and reviewing necessary documents and information into account when setting fees?
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Reasons for your answer
Local authorities have responsibilities under the Data Protection Act and the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011. Paper records, including plans will all need scanned and securely stored.
3c. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take making appointments and requesting any documents or other information from the applicant, or from any third party in connection with the licensing process into account when setting fees?
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3d. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take checking the relevant planning permission is in place into account when setting fees?
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Reasons for your answer
However, the applicant should provide proof as part of the application process, so minimal work should be required. Where proof is not available, significant work could arise establishing historical planning consents.
3e. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take applying the 'fit and proper person' test into account when setting fees?
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Reasons for your answer
The time involved will depend on the numbers of people involved in a site, the information known and the complexity of the business. The absence of 'light touch' guidance would indicate a more robust approach than is applied to Landlord Registration applications.
3f. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take review of documents and decisions by managers and obtaining any expert advice (including from lawyers) into account when setting fees?
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3g. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take deciding whether to issue or refuse a licence, and preparing draft, renewed, and final licences into account when setting fees?
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3h. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take carrying out any risk assessment process considered necessary into account when setting fees?
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Reasons for your answer
However, this a vague question. It is not clear whether the risk assessment relates to officer safety, flood risk, fire risk, reputational risk etc.
3i. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take reviewing representations made by an applicant received once a local authority has informed the applicant they are considering refusing the application into account when setting fees?
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3j. Do you agree with the matters set out in the draft regulations that local authorities can take for a first licence application the cost of one visit to the site, including transport cost into account when setting fees?
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4.. Are there any additional costs a local authority should be able to take into account? If so, please set them out below.
Matter local authority should take into account when setting fees and reasons
Costs should also include hearing representations form other interested parties on an application including residents, other council services, charities or other agencies.
It is noted that only the first application is to include the cost of a site visit. If intervals are to be 5 years, each re-licensing should include the cost of one site visit.
the cost should consider whether the site or its management have changed since the last application and the degree of change concerned. matters which were and remain satisfactory require little or no work. Changes are more likely to lead to additional work.
Costs should include seeking clarification on information provided or seeking additional information. Where all required information is provided to the required standard and there are no concerns regarding the operation of the site, this will not be necessary. However, the cost of seeking additional information or clarification of information provided may be significant
It is noted that only the first application is to include the cost of a site visit. If intervals are to be 5 years, each re-licensing should include the cost of one site visit.
the cost should consider whether the site or its management have changed since the last application and the degree of change concerned. matters which were and remain satisfactory require little or no work. Changes are more likely to lead to additional work.
Costs should include seeking clarification on information provided or seeking additional information. Where all required information is provided to the required standard and there are no concerns regarding the operation of the site, this will not be necessary. However, the cost of seeking additional information or clarification of information provided may be significant
5.. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal not to set a maximum fee level at this stage?
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Don't know
Please provide reasons for why you agree or disagree with the proposal.
Only with experience will it become apparent what the true cost of assessing applications is. It would seem unnecessary to regulate unless a need for regulation was found to exist.
Timescales for making decisions
6. . Do you agree with the proposed 3 month time limit for a local authority to decide on an application for:
A first site licence application. Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes | A first site licence application. No Radio button: Checked No |
Reasons for your answer
Regulation 4(1) does not take into account the provision or otherwise of information requested by the local authority under Section 32B(3) of the caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, as amended. There is potential for required information not to be forthcoming, which impedes a local authority's ability to make a timeous decision. Proposed regulation 2 should include reference to S32B(3).
A licence renewal. Yes Radio button: Checked Yes | A licence renewal. No Radio button: Not checked No |
Reasons for your answer
However, it is noted with concern that there appears to be no equivalent to S32B(3) relating to renewals, that is the power of a local authority to ask for 'such other information as the authority may reasonably require'. This would appear to be an oversight in the Housing Scotland Act 2014 as it amends the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960
A licence transfer. Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes | A licence transfer. No Radio button: Checked No |
Reasons for your answer
There may be valid reason to request additional information for the Fit and Proper Person Test (S32E(3) of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, as amended). This is not included within the consideration of the 3 month time limit.
There may be valid reason to request additional information for other purposes. This is not included within the consideration of the 3 month time limit. Regulation 3 should include reference to 'such other information as the local authority may reasonably require'.
There may be valid reason to request additional information for other purposes. This is not included within the consideration of the 3 month time limit. Regulation 3 should include reference to 'such other information as the local authority may reasonably require'.
Timescales for giving reasons
7.. Do you agree or disagree that when a local authority is required to give reasons for its decision it should do so on the same day it communicates its decision?
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Don't know
Please provide reasons for why you agree or disagree with the proposal.
It is fair and reasonable that the reason(s) for any adverse licensing decision should be explained to the applicant(s)
Interim manager
8a. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to take possession of the site?
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Reasons for your answer
Right of access and possession are essential
8b. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to carry on the licence holder's business in so far as relating to the management of the site?
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8c. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to carry out works in connection with the management of the site?
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Reasons for your answer
It may be useful to make explicit that this includes works to comply with site licence conditions
8d. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to execute documents on behalf of the site licence holder?
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8e. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to make any arrangements or compromise on behalf of the licence holder?
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8f. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to appoint and dismiss agents and staff?
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Reasons for your answer
Where staff or agents are problematic to the running of a site, the interim manager must be able to dismiss that member of staff or agent. However, where the member(s) of staff or agent(s) are used by other parts of a business (for example on other sites or arms of the business) dismissal must be limited to relating to activities at the site(s) for which the interim manager has been appointed.
To enable duties to be discharged, it is essential that an interim manager should be able to appoint others to contribute to, or assist with, the running of the site.
To enable duties to be discharged, it is essential that an interim manager should be able to appoint others to contribute to, or assist with, the running of the site.
8g. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to appoint a solicitor, accountant or other professional to assist the interim manager?
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Radio button:
Reasons for your answer
To enable duties to be discharged, it is essential that an interim manager should be able to appoint others to contribute to, or assist with, the running of the site.
8h. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to make and receive payments?
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Reasons for your answer
This will ensure that responsibilities towards residents and third parties can continue to be discharged.
8i. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to take out insurance?
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8j. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to raise and defend legal proceedings?
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Reasons for your answer
An interim manager cannot be left without means of legal remedy. The absence of this would make it very difficult to find any person or body to take on interim manager responsibilities.
8k. Do you agree with giving the interim manager the power to refer a dispute to arbitration?
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Reasons for your answer
Any dispute which can be resolved without resorting to legal measures is desirable
8l. Do you agree a sheriff can only appoint someone as an interim manager if the sheriff is satisfied that the proposed interim manager has the relevant skills and experience?
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8m. Do you agree that a sheriff can make provisions related to an interim manager's appointment and termination of appointment?
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8n. Do you agree that a sheriff must determine how an interim manager will be paid?
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8o. Do you agree with making it an offence to obstruct the interim manager in the performance of their functions?
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9. Are there any additional powers an interim manager should have? If so, please set them out with the reason you think it appropriate for the interim manager to have this power.
Transfer of Licence. Consideration should be given to allowing the interim manager to apply to transfer a licence. In the absence of this power, the only means of 'transferring' the licence would be for a full application from a prospective licence holder.
The interim manager should have the power to apply to a court for removal of the existing licence holder, related associates or family where antisocial behaviour or criminal activity is taking place or being threatened. In the absence of this power, it may not be possible to effectively manage a site
The interim manager should have the power to apply to a court for removal of the existing licence holder, related associates or family where antisocial behaviour or criminal activity is taking place or being threatened. In the absence of this power, it may not be possible to effectively manage a site
Effect of Appeal
10a. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed effect of an appeal on: First site licence application?
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Reasons for your answer
It is in the applicant's interest to conclude matters, not prolong them.
10b. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed effect of an appeal on: Site licence renewal?
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Reasons for your answer
It is in the applicant's interest to prolong the situation. If a renewal is refused, there will be significant reasons for doing so. This is not a situation which should be prolonged.
10c. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed effect of an appeal on: Transfer of a site licence?
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Reasons for your answer
This could potentially prolong the holding of a licence by a disreputable site occupier
10d. Do you agree or disagree with the proposed effect of an appeal on: Revocation of a site licence?
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Reasons for your answer
However, the interaction of an appeal against revocation and the appointment of an interim manager needs clarified.
Caravan Dimensions
11. Do you support the proposed increase to the maximum permitted dimensions?
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Don't know
Please provide reasons for why you agree or disagree with the proposal.
This will enable improved thermal efficiency in these year round homes. However, it should not be used to increase internal space without the improvement in thermal efficiency desired. It makes sense to have uniform size requirements across the UK.