Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020 (EESSH2)

Closed 27 Jul 2018

Opened 2 May 2018

Feedback updated 5 Dec 2018

We asked

For your views on proposals to maximise the number of homes in the social rented sector attaining Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Energy Efficiency (EE) Rating Band B by 2032.   We also asked for your views on proposals for: air quality and environmental impact requirements to be included in the 2032 milestone (from 2025); a floor of EPC Band D as the minimum energy efficiency standard for a house to be let, along with views on when this minimum standard should come into force; a vision for 2040 for social housing’s contribution to realising our fuel poverty, energy efficiency and climate change ambitions; and a review in 2025 to assess progress and confirm any additional requirements of the 2032 milestone or 2040 vision.

You said

We received 66 consultation responses.   In general, there was support in principle for the proposal to maximise the proportion of social housing meeting EPC band B by 2032.   However, these were qualified by strong concerns, particularly from social landlords, with a number of challenges identified, including:

  • difficulty and cost associated with making improvements to some houses
  • value for money of investment and cost effectiveness of some improvements
  • cost implications and landlord’s ability to access funding streams
  • gaining tenant support for improvements and potential impact on rent levels
  • concerns around the recognition of new technologies within the new milestone  

Most respondents were content with the proposal for landlords to provide a narrative explanation to the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) for stock that cannot be brought up to the 2032 milestone. There is a call for clear Scottish Government guidance on what will be expected of landlords by the SHR.

Most respondents supported the principle of a minimum standard for EPC Band D for social housing from 2025, with a range of responses round the consideration of additional requirements of the 2032 milestone regarding air quality and environmental impact, and the view to including these in the target from 2025. There is also support for the next EESSH Review to take place in 2025.

We did

We published the analysis of the responses on 22 November 2018

We are committed to ensuring that EESSH will support the Energy Efficient Scotland vision for homes and buildings that are warmer, greener and more efficient, with a housing sector that helps to establish a successful, low carbon economy across Scotland.

The EESSH Review Group will now reconvene to consider the consultation analysis and the development of EESSH2, with confirmation of a new standard expected in early 2019.  

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020 (EESSH2) will be a critical part of Energy Efficient Scotland, and realising its vision that by 2040 our homes and buildings are warmer, greener and more efficient.

It will build on progress already underway in the social housing sector throughout Scotland, with three quarters of the social housing stock already meeting the energy efficiency ratings in the first EESSH milestone set for December 2020.

EESSH2 proposes a longer term approach to removing poor energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty in social housing, and we are seeking views on proposals to set a challenging and aspirational target to maximise the number of social rented homes meeting an EPC band B by 2032.

Why your views matter

When EESSH was launched in 2014, a review was proposed for 2017 to assess progress towards the 2020 target and consider future milestones beyond 2020. Phase 1 of the Review assessed progress and concluded with publication of revised EESSH Guidance for Social Landlords in December 2017. Phase 2 of the Review considered milestones and activity post 2020, with the EESSH Review Group recommending the proposals set out in this public consultation. We want to hear your views on these proposals for new milestones for the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing. Your responses will help inform how we continue to improve energy efficiency in social housing in Scotland.

Download the consultation paper.

With support from the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) and the Tenants Information Service (TIS) we are organising a number of events aimed at social tenants and social housing landlords. These will be held throughout the country - TPAS and TIS will be promoting these events.

What happens next

The responses to the consultation will help inform the setting of new milestones for the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing. A full analysis of responses will be made available in due course.


  • Business, Industry and Innovation
  • Building and Planning
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Health and Social Care
  • Housing and Regeneration