Response 128416880

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Part 2: Compatibility with the UNCRC requirements, and child rights-respecting practice

1. I have read the draft statutory guidance on Part 2 of the UNCRC Act

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2. Section 3, 'Background and introduction to the UNCRC Act', provides sufficient information on the UNCRC and the background to incorporation.

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3. Section 3.4, ‘Meaning of UNCRC requirements’, clearly articulates what is meant by this in relation to the section 6 duty.

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4. Section 4.2, ‘Remedies for unlawful acts (sections 7 to 10)’ is useful.

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5. Section 4.3.2 ‘Definition of a public authority’ is clear.

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6. Section 4.3.1 ‘Definition of functions of a public nature’ is clear.

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7. Section 4.4, ‘Explanation of the duties on public authorities in Part 2, section 6’ clearly explains the nature of the section 6 duty on public authorities, including clearly articulating that the section 6 duty applies only when a public authority is carrying out devolved functions conferred under Acts of the Scottish Parliament or common law powers.

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8. Annexes A.1 – A.5, ‘Clarification of conceptual aspects of the UNCRC’ are clear.

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9. Annexes B.1 – B.4 ‘Sources to guide interpretation’ are useful.

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10. Annex C, ‘Framework for Reviewing Compatibility (s.6 duty)’ is presented in an accessible manner, e.g. the content, style, and length make this a user-friendly and practical resource.

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11. I clearly understand how to use the Compatibility Review Framework.

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12. Overall, the guidance is presented in an accessible manner, e.g. the content, style, and length make this a user-friendly and practical resource.

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13. Overall, the guidance supports an improved understanding and ability to fulfil the duties under Part 2 of the Act.

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Part 3: Reporting duty of listed authorities

15. I have read the draft statutory guidance on Part 3 (section 18) of the UNCRC Act

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donna marie rodden

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