Response 380231867

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Elizabeth gilchrist

The Scottish Government generally seeks to publish responses to a consultation, in summary and where possible in detail. We would like your permission to publish:

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Page One

1. Should the use of a statutory form be required in the regulations? Please give reasons for your response.

Should the use of a statutory form be required in the regulations? Please give reasons for your response.
Yes this would ensure that the people of Scotland's communities are following the proper guidelines on how to improve or change whatever they r passionate about in order to change the lives of others

2. Should it be possible for a community body to put in a participation request without using a form? Please give reasons for your response.

: Should it be possible for a community body to put in a participation request without using a form? Please give reasons for your response.
Not sure depends on the amount of requests received,how long the process takes

4. Is 14 days a reasonable amount of time for additional public service authorities to respond? If not, please suggest an alternative timescale and explain reasons for the change.

Is 14 days a reasonable amount of time for additional public service authorities to respond? If not, please suggest an alternative timescale and explain reasons for the change.

5. What, if any, are the particular/specific ways that public service authorities should promote the use of participation request?

What, if any, are the particular/specific ways that public service authorities should promote the use of participation request?
Public services should inform the people of Scotland that they are willing to accept and make changes that would benifit the community this would let the people know their views are respected and taken into consideration when decisions are made

6. What are the ways that public service authorities should support community participation bodies to make a participation request and participate in an outcome improvement process that should be set out in the regulations?

What are the ways that public service authorities should support community participation bodies to make a participation request and participate in an outcome improvement process that should be set out in the regulations?
This could be done by involving the public at all times and can be done on holding public meetings to reassure them that all vital decisions made will be based on what people actually want to see change and not on what they want

7. What types of communities could the regulations specify that may need additional support? Please give reasons for your response.

What types of communities could the regulations specify that may need additional support? Please give reasons for your response.
All communities across scotland have different issue that need to be addressed especially in socially deprived areas

8. How long should the public service authority have to assess the participation request and give notice to the community participation body? Is 30 days a reasonable amount of time?

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