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NHS 24
The Scottish Government generally seeks to publish responses to a consultation, in summary and where possible in detail. We would like your permission to publish:
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Page One
1. Should the use of a statutory form be required in the regulations? Please give reasons for your response.
Should the use of a statutory form be required in the regulations? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 does not think there is a requirement to include the use of a statutory form in the regulations. Please see our response to question two for more information.
2. Should it be possible for a community body to put in a participation request without using a form? Please give reasons for your response.
: Should it be possible for a community body to put in a participation request without using a form? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 thinks it should be possible for a community body to put in a participation request using its own preferred method of communication. This should promote an inclusive approach to receiving requests.
3. What else might a statutory form usefully cover beyond the example set out in Annex B?
What else might a statutory form usefully cover beyond the example set out in Annex B?
NHS 24 thinks that if a statutory form is required, then the contact details of a named person should be included to improve communication.
4. Is 14 days a reasonable amount of time for additional public service authorities to respond? If not, please suggest an alternative timescale and explain reasons for the change.
Is 14 days a reasonable amount of time for additional public service authorities to respond? If not, please suggest an alternative timescale and explain reasons for the change.
NHS 24 thinks that 20 working days would provide sufficient time for additional public service authorities to consider requests to participate in the outcome improvement process, particularly during busy periods including the festive season and other times. 20 working days would align this process to other requests for information.
5. What, if any, are the particular/specific ways that public service authorities should promote the use of participation request?
What, if any, are the particular/specific ways that public service authorities should promote the use of participation request?
NHS 24 thinks that the regulations should specify a requirement for all public service authorities to promote the use of participation requests on their corporate websites.
6. What are the ways that public service authorities should support community participation bodies to make a participation request and participate in an outcome improvement process that should be set out in the regulations?
What are the ways that public service authorities should support community participation bodies to make a participation request and participate in an outcome improvement process that should be set out in the regulations?
NHS 24 thinks it appropriate for the regulations to specify that public service authorities be required to publish a point of contact on its corporate website to support and guide community participation bodies make requests.
NHS 24 thinks it appropriate to support fair and reasonable requests received from community participation bodies to enable members of these bodies to participate in an outcome improvement process.
Such requests for support could include the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by individuals representing a community participation body and meeting communications needs of those taking part.
NHS 24 thinks it appropriate to support fair and reasonable requests received from community participation bodies to enable members of these bodies to participate in an outcome improvement process.
Such requests for support could include the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred by individuals representing a community participation body and meeting communications needs of those taking part.
7. What types of communities could the regulations specify that may need additional support? Please give reasons for your response.
What types of communities could the regulations specify that may need additional support? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 would not wish participants to be at the risk of being stigmatised through being identified in the regulations as a community, which may require additional support. NHS 24 therefore would not wish types of communities to be specified in the regulations.
8. How long should the public service authority have to assess the participation request and give notice to the community participation body? Is 30 days a reasonable amount of time?
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If not, how long should the period for making a decision be? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 thinks that 20 working days would provide sufficient time for public service authorities to assess participation requests to participate in the outcome improvement process and give notice to the community participation body. 20 working days would align this process to other requests for information.
9. Are there any additional information requirements that should be included in connection with a decision notice? Please give reasons for your response.
Are there any additional information requirements that should be included in connection with a decision notice? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 considers that publication of the decision notice should be as currently set out in the draft regulations, with no additional information requirements identified, beyond consideration being given to meeting reasonable requests for the decision to be provided in alternative formats.
10. What other information, if any, should the regulations specify should be published in relation to the proposed outcome improvement process? Please give reasons for your response.
What other information, if any, should the regulations specify should be published in relation to the proposed outcome improvement process? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 supports the level of information published in relation to the proposed outcome improvement process, as set out in the draft regulations.
11. What other information, if any, should the regulations specify should be published in relation to the modified outcome improvement process? Please give reasons for your response.
What other information, if any, should the regulations specify should be published in relation to the modified outcome improvement process? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 supports the level of information published in relation to the modified outcome improvement process, as set out in the draft regulations.
12. Section 31 sets out the aspects that the report of the outcome improvement process must contain. What other information, if any, should the regulations require the report include? Please give reasons for your response.
Section 31 sets out the aspects that the report of the outcome improvement process must contain. What other information, if any, should the regulations require the report include? Please give reasons for your response.
NHS 24 supports the level of information required to be published by public service authorities reporting on the outcome improvement process, as set out in the draft regulations.
13. Do you have any other comments on the draft Participation Request (Procedure)(Scotland) Regulations 2016?
Do you have any other comments on the draft Participation Request (Procedure)(Scotland) Regulations 2016?
NHS 24 has no further comments on the draft Participation Request