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915 results

  • Consultation on Universal Credit (Claims and Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2017

    A consultation on the draft regulations to implement the two priority Universal Credit (UC) flexibilities: managed payments of rent to landlords; and more frequent payments of UC. Note: This consultation will last 8 weeks. As this is principally a technical consultation on the draft regulations and the policy has previously been extensively discussed with individuals and organisations the 8 week consultation period should be sufficient to gather required feedback. Note:... More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation - a consultation on increasing numbers of successful donations

    This Consultation looks at two ways to potentially increase the number of deceased organ donation and tissues donors - by seeking to increase numbers of referrals and by seeking to increase the number of times when donation is authorised to proceed. The first chapter seeks views on alternative ways of potentially increasing the proportion of cases where organ and/or tissue donation is authorised. Specifically it looks at how an opt out system allowing authorisation to be deemed in certain... More
    Closed 14 March 2017
  • A Scottish Government Consultation on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill

    The consultation seeks views on the practical application of the Scottish Government’s draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill provisions. It also offers consultees an opportunity to offer views on how the Bill might be strengthened. The purpose of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill is to redress gender imbalances on the boards of public bodies. The Bill seeks to achieve this by setting a gender representation objective for the... More
    Closed 17 March 2017
  • Councillor Code of Conduct Amendment

    To seek an amendment to the code of conduct to allow councillors to continue to act as councillors and continue to represent their electorate without there being a conflict of interest if they represent the council on the board of an external organisation. More
    Closed 20 March 2017
  • Draft Head Teachers Education and Training Standards (Scotland) Regulations

    The consultation looks for comments on draft regulations that define the education and training standards expected of teachers before they are appointed to their first head teacher post. More
    Closed 20 March 2017
  • Discussion Document - National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan

    To ensure we have the right staff for our health and social care services now and in the future, we will publish a National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan in Spring 2017. This Discussion Document seeks comments and views from individuals and organisations about the issues the National Plan will need to cover. It sets out ideas on workforce planning at national, regional and local level. And it asks questions about a number of key areas, including governance, workforce planning... More
    Closed 28 March 2017
  • Crown Estate: A Consultation on the Long Term Management of the Crown Estate in Scotland

    The Crown Estate in Scotland includes a diverse portfolio of property, rights and interests that influence many aspects of rural and coastal life in Scotland. This consultation is an opportunity to help shape the long term framework for the devolved management of the Crown Estate in Scotland and how the revenue should be used to benefit Scotland and communities. The Scottish Ministers intend to put in place a new legislative framework for management of Crown Estate assets - accountable to the... More
    Closed 29 March 2017
  • A Consultation on Procedure of the First Tier Tribunal Housing and Property Chamber

    The Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 establishes an integrated structure of tribunals with a First-tier Tribunal (FTT) and an Upper Tribunal. Jurisdictions within the First-tier Tribunal will be organised into ‘chambers’ according to the nature of the dispute. On 1st December, the Private Rented the Private Rented Housing Panel/Homeowner Housing Panel transferred to the FTT –the first of the existing tribunals to move to the new structure. We are developing a single set of... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • A consultation on the future of the Scottish Planning System

    In 2015 Ministers commissioned an independent panel to undertake a review of the planning system. The review included opportunities to get involved through both written and oral evidence and an online discussion forum. Since then we have been working with a wide range of stakeholders, including community representatives, public and private sectors, to explore potential changes to the planning system. Ministers signalled in the Programme for Government that a Planning Bill would be brought... More
    Closed 4 April 2017
  • Revised Colorectal Cancer QPIs

    A consultation to gather views on the Colorectal Cancer QPIS with regard to: The appropriateness of the QPIs that have been developed. The target levels that have been set. Key points or areas that are not covered within the QPIs Feasibility of measuring the QPIs identified in a meaningful and comparative way View full PDF and HTML on More
    Closed 7 April 2017
  • Fees for Monitoring Surface Coal Mines

    This consultation seeks views on the Scottish Government’s proposal to enable planning authorities to charge operators for undertaking monitoring of surface coal mining permissions, including planning conditions; legal agreements and restoration financial guarantees. More
    Closed 9 April 2017
  • Consultation on Proposals for an Integrated Authorisation Framework

    The single authorisation framework will bring together all the permissioning arrangements for SEPA’s four main regulatory (water, waste, radioactive substances and Pollution Prevention and Control) into a integrated permissioning structure and under a single standardised procedure (subject to the requirements of European and national legislation). These authorisations are an integral tool in SEPA’s approach to controlling and minimising the impact of certain activities on the... More
    Closed 12 April 2017
  • Consultation on Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating

    The Scottish Government designated energy efficiency as a national infrastructure priority in June 2015, covering energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation of both domestic and non-domestic buildings. District heating could make an important contribution to meeting Scotland’s future heat demand in areas where heat density is sufficiently high to develop networks that can provide heat at an affordable cost. Where allied to a low carbon heat source, it also offers the potential to meet our... More
    Closed 18 April 2017
  • Consultation on Guidance on Healthcare Needs in Schools

    This consultation seeks views on the draft guidance on Healthcare in Schools in Scotland. The guidance will support health boards and schools in the delivery of healthcare support to pupils who need support as a result of a healthcare need. The guidance has been developed in partnership with a range of key stakeholders including representatives from education and health services, specific healthcare organisations, and parents and carers. More
    Closed 24 April 2017
  • The Registration of Independent Schools (Prescribed Persons) (Scotland) Regulations 2017

    This consultation looks for comments on the draft Registration of Independent Schools (Prescribed Person) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 that set out the arrangements in respect of current and future teachers working in independent schools having to be registered with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). More
    Closed 1 May 2017
  • Electronic Monitoring in Scotland

    This consultation seeks views on the next steps in taking forward primary legislation to extend the use of electronic monitoring in Scotland in support of broader community justice policy. The proposed changes reflect the findings and recommendations of the Electronic Monitoring Expert Working Group. The Working Group report was published on 4 October 2016. View the consultation paper on More
    Closed 19 May 2017
  • Consultation on arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme

    Consultation on arrangements for Scotland to continue participating in the EU School Milk scheme. Consultees are invited to note the main points of the new common framework (detailed in the attched documents) and to consider the delivery approach proposed for Scotland. Please note that this consultation will close on the 21st of May 2017. More
    Closed 21 May 2017
  • Consultation on Fees for Seed Testing, Seed Certification & Associated Seed Functions

    Fees for seed testing, seed certification and associated functions ( supervision of licensed, Professional Seed Operators, licensed Crop Inspectors, licensed Seed Samplers, LSTS) and courses and exams are all required to be reviewed annually to ensure that the costs of the services provided by Scottish Government are met by the businesses benefiting directly from them and that it is cost neutral to government. This consultation is on Scottish Government’s proposal to increase certain... More
    Closed 26 May 2017
  • Improving educational outcomes for children and young people from travelling cultures

    The Scottish Government is committed to enabling all children and young people to reach their full potential, however Traveller children and young people’s educational outcomes are among the worst in Scotland. The Scottish Government have therefore worked with stakeholders to develop guidance to support those working with Traveller children and young people to improve educational outcomes over time. This consultation is seeking your views on the draft guidance. Download the... More
    Closed 28 May 2017
  • Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy

    Earlier this year, I was asked by Keith Brown, the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work, to chair the Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy. The Panel’s purpose is to provide advice, expertise and experience to on-going policy development on the collaborative economy and to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on how Scotland can position itself to take advantage of the many opportunities of the collaborative economy and overcome any... More
    Closed 29 May 2017
  • Consultation on a Scottish Energy Strategy: The Future of Energy in Scotland

    The choices we make about energy are among the most important decisions we face. The supply of safe, reliable energy underpins the continued growth of the Scottish economy and delivery of key services. Our energy industry provides high quality jobs and a vibrant climate for innovation. Affordable energy provision is a prerequisite for healthy, fulfilling living and productive, competitive business. Scotland’s climate ambitions underpin the priorities laid out in this draft strategy... More
    Closed 30 May 2017
  • Consultation on Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme

    The Scottish Government has designated energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority, the cornerstone of which will be Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) – a 15 to 20 year programme. The Programme for Government commits to investing more than half a billion pounds to SEEP over the next four years setting out a clear commitment to develop this programme with substantial annual funding. By 2035, through SEEP we will have transformed the energy efficiency and heating... More
    Closed 30 May 2017
  • Consultation on a Draft Onshore Wind Policy Statement

    We are publishing this draft statement, alongside the draft Energy Strategy. Onshore wind development is essential to Scotland’s transformation to a fully decarbonised energy system by 2050 and brings opportunities which underpin our vision to grow a low carbon economy and build a fairer society. This statement reaffirms existing Scottish Government’s onshore wind policy set out in previous publications and seeks views on a number of issues related to supporting the... More
    Closed 30 May 2017
  • Talking "Fracking": A Consultation on Unconventional Oil and Gas

    The future of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland has proven both complex and controversial, and deeply held, sincere views have emerged on all sides of the debate. The Scottish Government’s position is to take a cautious, evidence led approach while we gather and consider evidence. In January 2015, the Scottish Government put in place a moratorium on unconventional oil and gas development in Scotland, which prevents hydraulic fracturing for shale oil and gas, and coal bed methane... More
    Closed 31 May 2017
  • Good College Governance

    This consultation paper seeks comments on: • Recommendation 1 of the Good Governance Task Group Report: better arrangements are put in place to improve board member recruitment • Recommendation 9 of the Good Governance Task Group Report: more sanctions are considered so that a wider range of measures is available, if necessary • Equality impact More
    Closed 2 June 2017
  • Consultation on the British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan

    Introduction to the consultation and Ministerial foreword from the First Minister and Mark McDonald MSP, Minister for Childcare and Early Years: This consultation on the Draft British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan seeks to gather your views about the proposed actions. The plan has been produced in collaboration with the BSL National Advisory Group. Together we have set long term goals that we are striving for. Read the consultation paper In this plan, which... More
    Closed 5 June 2017
  • The Cremation (Scotland) Regulations 2017

    The Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016 provides a modern, comprehensive legislative framework for burial and cremation. The existing legislation was outdated and increasingly unfit for purpose. Many of the Act’s provisions are rooted in recommendations made by various review groups, particularly the Infant Cremation Commission and the Burial and Cremation Review Group . The Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016 received Royal Assent in April 2016. The Act provides the... More
    Closed 9 June 2017
  • Guidance on Engaging Communities in Decisions Relating to Land

    Under Part 4 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 (“the Act”), Scottish Ministers have a duty to issue “guidance about engaging communities in decisions relating to land which may affect communities” (“the Guidance”). The purpose of the Guidance is to encourage land owners and land managers to develop co-operative and positive working relationships with local communities. The aim is to support good working practices that can lead to mutually beneficial solutions to... More
    Closed 16 June 2017
  • Consultation on funding of The Scottish Energy Performance Certificate Register

    The purpose of this consultation is to update stakeholders on the current status of the Scottish Energy Performance Certificate Register (SEPCR), to advise on pending action to amend the statutory fees payable on lodgement of energy performance data and to seek views on the manner in which the register is funded. More
    Closed 19 June 2017
  • Severance Policy in Devolved Public Sector in Scotland

    The Scottish Government seeks to ensure severance arrangements are fair and equitable while providing value for money for the people of Scotland. Severance continues to play an essential role in ensuring employers across the public sector in Scotland deliver services efficiently and effectively by enabling them to manage changes to workforces in reaction to changing organisational circumstances - while at the same time helping leavers bridge the gap into new employment. Across the devolved... More
    Closed 23 June 2017
915 results. Page 7 of 31