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915 results

  • Planning system - promotion and mediation: draft guidance - consultation

    This consultation paper relates to the introduction of guidance on the promotion and use of mediation in the Scottish planning system. It provides draft guidance to planning authorities, developers, communities and other potential parties on the use of mediation in development planning and in pre-application consultation. The draft guidance is part of our wider work on planning reform and implementation of the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, including steps to reduce conflict, improve... More
    Opened 15 December 2020
  • New Build Heat Standard: scoping consultation

    The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that, from 2024, new buildings must use heating systems which produce zero direct emissions at the point of use. We are currently developing our New Build Heat Standard to achieve this, and this initial Scoping Consultation aims to set out our high-level vision for the new Standard - which has been underpinned by a series of key outcomes. More
    Opened 9 December 2020
  • Digital ethics: a framework for trust

    Scotland is facing difficult decisions about using digital options to maintain, provide and improve services. The aim of this conversation is to inform what principles and frameworks might look like to guide how Scotland can develop as an Ethical Digital Nation . We are examining issues around culture, trust and technology which considers the impact on people and society and aims to encourage a fair and responsible digital society. Our focus for this conversation is trust in the... More
    Opened 8 December 2020
  • Farm Animal Welfare Committee's opinion on the welfare of animals during transport: consultation

    We are seeking views on the recommendations made by the Farm Animal Welfare Committee in their ‘Opinion on the Welfare of Animals during Transport’. More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Consultation on Making Scotland's Future: A Recovery Plan For Manufacturing - Draft

    ERRATA: Since the launch of this consultation on 4th December 2020, the consultation period has been extended and will now close on 12 th February 2021. This decision is in response to early feedback from industry stakeholders to accommodate the priorities of our businesses who are continuing to prepare for all scenarios of the EU exit. The length of extension been agreed by all partners as reasonable and will not impact on the wider delivery of the Recovery Plan. ... More
    Opened 4 December 2020
  • Research to understand potential barriers to adherence with coronavirus restrictions in Scotland

    During the coronavirus pandemic, various restrictions and regulations have been introduced to limit the spread of the virus. These important restrictions have changed the way we shop, travel, work and socialise. People across Scotland have been doing their best to follow these restrictions to keep themselves and others safe. The Scottish Government knows that some people are finding it difficult to follow the restrictions completely. This short survey asks a few questions about your... More
    Opened 3 December 2020
  • Consultation: Scotland's Third Land Use Strategy

    Our land is one of our greatest national assets and it plays a fundamental role in supporting our environment, economy and our health and wellbeing. In recognition of this the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 placed a statutory duty on Scottish Ministers to produce and publish a Land Use Strategy. This in turn must be reviewed on a five yearly basis. Scotland’s Land Use Strategy is a strategic document that sets out our vision for achieving sustainable land use in Scotland,... More
    Opened 2 December 2020
  • Establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet

    The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 requires the establishment of a national Nitrogen Balance Sheet for Scotland by March 2022, via a process of regulations. The Scottish Government is now consulting on proposals for establishing a Scottish Nitrogen Balance Sheet (SNBS). Nitrogen is a basic building block of life and present everywhere across the economy and environment. A Nitrogen Balance Sheet is a way to keep track of how nitrogen is being... More
    Opened 1 December 2020
  • National Planning Framework: Position Statement

    The Position Statement sets out the Scottish Government's current thinking on the issues that will need to be addressed when preparing Scotland's fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4). It draws on the ideas and evidence we received from a broad range of people and organisations through our early engagement programme. We currently expect that NPF4 will focus on achieving the following four key outcomes: Net Zero Emissions; Resilient... More
    Opened 26 November 2020
  • A consultation on the regulation of electricians

    Currently anyone can call themselves an electrician, without the need for any qualifications or competency. This can lead to customers, especially domestic consumers, hiring unqualified or less competent individuals, resulting in faults that can lead to fire or personal injury, such as electric shocks. The consultation considers whether regulatory measures are required to give greater protection to the public and reduce the level of poor electrical workmanship by a persistent... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Scotland's Economic Performance - The contribution of place-based economic development zones

    The Scottish Government is committed to sustainable, inclusive economic growth as part of our ambition for Scotland to flourish through a just transition towards a net zero, wellbeing economy. We are seeking to engage a broad range of stakeholders about the potential contribution placed-based economic development initiatives and specific incentives or measures can make to building a green, jobs-focussed, fair work recovery and renewal and driving inclusive, sustainable economic... More
    Opened 21 November 2020
  • Judicial Mandatory Retirement Age

    This consultation welcomes views on the mandatory retirement age (MRA) for devolved judicial office holders in Scotland whose MRA falls within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament. The consultation asks if the MRA for Scottish judicial offices should be raised, and if so, whether this should be to 72 or 75, and whether the MRA for Scottish judicial offices should maintain parity with the MRA for judicial office holders in the rest of the UK. The consultation... More
    Opened 2 November 2020
  • Draft Strategy for Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Research 2022-2027

    Scottish Government funds a multi-million pound portfolio of research on the environment, natural resources and agriculture. We are developing a strategy for the next cycle of research which starts in 2022. The strategy will outline our vision, priorities and mechanisms for funding that research. More
    Opened 2 November 2020
  • Cleaner Air for Scotland 2 - a consultation on a draft new air quality strategy for Scotland

    In November 2018 the Scottish Government commissioned an independently led review of its Cleaner Air for Scotland strategy, which was published in 2015. The aims of the review were to assess progress to date in implementing the strategy and to make recommendations for additional actions required to deliver further air quality improvements. A report setting out the conclusions and recommendations arising from the review was published in August 2019. These recommendations have been... More
    Opened 30 October 2020
  • Registers of Scotland Fee Review (2020)

    Registers of Scotland’s aim is to operate on a self-sustaining basis. We generate income from charging fees for our services. These fees are based on a cost-recovery model. Our current forecasts show we need to increase fees to recover our costs over the next five years. This consultation sets out our proposals to vary fees. These include increasing statutory fees and removing rejection fees. Responses to this consultation will help shape our next... More
    Opened 26 October 2020
  • Consultation on free bus travel for people resident in Scotland aged under 19

    The Scottish Government intends to launch a new statutory national concessionary travel scheme providing free bus travel for young people resident in Scotland up to their 19th birthday (referred to as ‘under 19s’ or ‘under 19’ throughout this consultation). We anticipate that legislation to underpin the scheme would be required to be laid in Parliament in early 2021 and the scheme would come into effect later in 2021. The consultation will run for six weeks and we are... More
    Opened 26 October 2020
  • Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003: Updating environmental standards for the water environment

    Environmental standards form the foundation of a risk-based approach to River Basin Management Planning. In 2014, prior to the publication of the second River Basin Management Plans, Scottish Ministers directed the Scottish Environment Protection Agency to apply a range of environmental standards in protecting, improving and assessing the condition of the water environment. Updating environmental standards in the light of improved scientific understanding is important. It... More
    Opened 23 October 2020
  • Consultation on the M8 and M9 Trunk Roads (Newbridge to Hermiston Gait) (Actively Managed Hard Shoulder and Speed Limit) Regulations

    The regulations will allow the introduction of an Actively Managed Hard Shoulder (AMHS), for use by certain buses, over a four mile section of the M8 and M9 motorways. This will extend over a four mile section from a point south of the Hillwood Rail overbridge (south of Junction 1 of the M9) in an eastbound direction to the Hermiston Gait Roundabout (Junction 1 of the M8). In a supplementary measure, to extend the 50 mph speed limit on the M9 to M8 eastbound interchange link... More
    Opened 21 October 2020
  • Consultation on the revised National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland

    The National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland describes the responsibilities and expectations of everyone who works with children, young people and their families in Scotland. It sets out how agencies should work together with children, young people, parents, families and communities to protect children from abuse, neglect and exploitation. The National Guidance should underpin local multi-agency child protection procedures, guidance and training. The current version of the... More
    Opened 21 October 2020
  • Consultation on a possible revision of the Councillors' Code of Conduct

    The Councillors’ Code of Conduct is being refreshed to make it easier to understand and to take account of developments in our society, such as the role of social media. We aim to strengthen the Code to reinforce the importance of behaving in a respectful manner and to make it clear that bullying and harassment is completely unacceptable and should not be tolerated. We aim to produce a Code that is fit for purpose and will ensure the highest standards of conduct by our councillors to... More
    Opened 19 October 2020
  • Ethical standards in public life: consultation on model code of conduct for board members of devolved public bodies

    The Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 requires Scottish Ministers to issue a Code of Conduct for Councillors (Councillors’ Code) and a Model Code of Conduct for members of devolved public bodies (Members’ Code) as listed in Schedule 3 to the Act, as amended. The aim of the Model Code is to set out clearly and openly the standards that Board Members of listed organisations in Schedule 3 of the 2000 Act must comply with when carrying out their duties. This... More
    Opened 19 October 2020
  • Consultation: Introducing market restrictions on single-use plastic items in Scotland

    This consultation proposes the introduction of market restrictions – effectively a ban – on the most commonly littered single-use plastic items found on European beaches. It represents an important next step in our efforts to tackle our plastic problem, allowing us to maintain pace with the environmental standards of our European partners while re-affirming Scotland’s position as a world-leader in the circular economy. More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Consultation to amend the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 to include Integration Joint Boards

    Integration Joint Boards The integration of health and social care is one of the most significant reforms since the establishment of the NHS. It is about ensuring that those who use services get the right care and support whatever their needs, at any point in their care journey. With a greater emphasis on community-based and more joined-up, anticipatory and preventative care, integration aims to improve care and support for those who use health and social care services and equips... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Island Communities Impact Assessments Guidance and Toolkit

    To inform the guidance and toolkit for completing an Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) as required under the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Consultation on the content of the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Specified Type B Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations

    On 11 June 2019 the Scottish Parliament passed the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Act 2019 (‘the 2019 Act’). The 2019 Act provides for a deemed authorisation system of deceased organ and tissue donation for transplantation in Scotland. This is more commonly referred to as an ‘opt-out’ system, replacing the current ‘opt-in’ model. It has now been announced that this legislation will come into effect on 26 March 2021. The 2019 Act also introduces a... More
    Opened 8 October 2020
  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): our shared role in containing the virus

    We have been through many months of lockdown, with broad restrictions on everyone’s activities to slow down the spread of coronavirus. We have tried to open up as much of society as we can and this a difficult balance to strike. In recent days we have re-imposed some broader restrictions. What are the issues that should inform future decisions on our approach? What will help and support people to live with the adjustments we all have to make to our daily lives, so that we can have as... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • The Scottish Government's Programme for Reviewing and Extending Permitted Development Rights (PDR) in Scotland – Consultation on Phase 1 Proposals

    We are seeking views on draft proposals for changes to Permitted Development Rights for the four development types selected for Phase 1 of our programme. We are also seeking views on the accompanying update to the 2019 Sustainability Appraisal and a number of draft impact assessments examining the potential impact of the proposed changes. Read the consultation paper. More
    Opened 1 October 2020
  • A Consultation on the Digital Strategy for Scotland

    We live in a digital world. It is changing the way we work, do business, entertain, deliver services, shop and keep in touch with our family and friends, as well as the work of government. It is a source of incredible opportunity – to open new markets, scale rapidly, tackle climate change and make links across the globe. It also brings new challenges around privacy, regulation and social and digital inclusion, and the coronavirus pandemic has only accelerated the pace of digital... More
    Opened 30 September 2020
  • Consultation on Future Arrangements for Early Medical Abortion at Home

    We are seeking views on the future arrangements for early medical abortion at home across Scotland. The responses will help to inform the Scottish Government’s decision on whether the current arrangements should continue once there is no longer a significant risk of COVID-19 transmission. More
    Opened 30 September 2020
  • Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan – 2021-22 to 2025-26

    The Draft Infrastructure Investment Plan sets out a clear vision for our future infrastructure - to support and enable an inclusive net zero emissions economy. The plan focusses on adopting and building on the recommendations of the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland's Phase 1 report. It sets out our long term vision for Scottish infrastructure, shows how we will choose the right future investments, and sets out a 5 year programme of further improvements in our approach. The... More
    Opened 24 September 2020
915 results. Page 13 of 31