1. What do you think of the proposed definition of AI for the purposes of the strategy?
What do you think of the proposed definition of AI for the purposes of the strategy?
The definition is broad enough, I hope ,to cover off the machine learning aspect of AI and the vast resources of (often personal) data that AI necessarily draws upon.
2. Do you agree that the strategy should be people-centred and aligned with Scotland’s National Performance Framework?
Do you agree that the strategy should be people-centred and aligned with Scotland’s National Performance Framework?
Yes I agree.
3. How do you think AI could benefit Scotland’s people, and how do we ensure that the benefits are shared and no-one is left behind?
How do you think AI could benefit Scotland’s people, and how do we ensure that the benefits are shared and no-one is left behind?
Re. the second element of the question - real care must be taken to ensure that AI takes account of the diversity of the scottish population - gender, sexuality, age, nationality, racial backgoud, physical and mental ability and so on.
4. What do you think of the proposed overarching vision of the strategy, and the two strategic goals that are proposed to underpin this?
What do you think of the proposed overarching vision of the strategy, and the two strategic goals that are proposed to underpin this?
Good solid goals and if done well should allow Scotland to to become thought leaders in the application of AI for the common good.
5. Do you agree with the representation of Scotland’s AI ecosystem outlined in the scoping document? Is it missing anything?
Do you agree with the representation of Scotland’s AI ecosystem outlined in the scoping document? Is it missing anything?
I agree with this representation of Scotland’s AI ecosystem - it appears to be well though through and well balanced - making clear to experts and eh general public what is expected and required of AI development in Scotland.
6. Do you have any comments on the strategic themes that will be explored in detail?
Do you have any comments on the strategic themes that will be explored in detail?
7. How can confidence in AI as a trusted, responsible and ethical tool be built?
How can confidence in AI as a trusted, responsible and ethical tool be built?
Openess - make it clear where AI is in use.
Education - SHOW people how it works from problem definition, through data acquisition and the setting up of the basis for analysis to the out comes - bother extpected and and actual.
Regulation - framework to expose and, if necessary, punish bad practice.
Demonstrable adherence to guiding strategy of AI being for the common good - are diversity concerns being actively managed?
Education - SHOW people how it works from problem definition, through data acquisition and the setting up of the basis for analysis to the out comes - bother extpected and and actual.
Regulation - framework to expose and, if necessary, punish bad practice.
Demonstrable adherence to guiding strategy of AI being for the common good - are diversity concerns being actively managed?
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