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Defining New or Novel Psychoactive Substances
Questions on developing a definition of NPS
A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree | A wide range of stakeholders across Scotland, not only those involved in enforcement, should adopt the definition set out in the Psychoactive Substances Bill (as outlined in Proposal One). Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
Please provide more detail (for example, if you disagree it would be helpful if you have an alternative suggestion):
This would allow standardisation of reporting and information collection across Scotland.
In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree | In addition, stakeholders should categorise NPS based on their intended effect(s) (as outlined in Proposal Two). Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
If there are changes you would like to suggest to the proposed categories of NPS (in Proposal Two), please describe these here:
Definitions should remain standardised otherwise reporting/collating across multi agencies becomes difficult.
The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree | The categories outlined in Proposal Two could be applied accurately by people who are not experts in NPS Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
If you disagree, what additional information would be needed?
This is how we currently define them.
Identifying and detecting NPS: proposals to establish a Forensic Centre for Excellence
Questions on the functions of a Forensic Centre for Excellence
If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Agree Radio button: Checked Agree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree | If a Forensic Centre for Excellence carried out the functions suggested above, it would address the most pressing gaps in knowledge about NPS. Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
Please provide more detail:
One centre providing/leading on detection, harms and treatment would be preferable to conflicting information and education.
Would your organisation be capable of delivering any of the potential functions suggested above?
We already provide information to ADPs and Police Scotland at a national level and would continue to contribute to this.
Please select all that apply
Don't know
Questions on identifying NPS for the purposes of prosecution
The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree | The organisations listed in Box 1 should be key priority areas for submitting NPS samples to a Forensic Centre of Excellence. Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree | In addition to the organisations listed in Box 1, NHS Emergency Departments should also be able to submit biological samples for testing. Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
Questions on collecting data on harms associated with NPS
Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree | Where possible, it would be useful if NHS Emergency Departments captured and held data on harms associated with specific NPS samples Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
If you agree, please provide more detail about how this could work:
Online forms linked to NHS patient/client system to log drug use, effects, harm, impact providing anonymised information.
Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Somewhat agree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat agree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Agree Radio button: Checked Agree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree | Once anonymised, these data on harms relating to specific NPS should be shared with other stakeholders in Scotland Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
If you agree, please provide more detail about the specific stakeholders that would benefit from this information:
Any organisation supporting substance users, families and communities.
Improving information sharing on NPS
Questions on improving information sharing on NPS
If you are aware of data or information being collected or shared on NPS that are not represented in the diagram in Annex A (of the main consultation document) please provide further details here:
No. Could you correct our details in Annex A please:
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
If a Centre for Excellence was to share information on NPS, what information would you find most useful?
Expected effects/harms.
Long term medical consequences, if known.
Long term medical consequences, if known.
How frequently would you want to receive/access this information?
Preferably monthly.
If you have any suggestions on the scope, content or method of dissemination of information from a Centre for Excellence, please note these here:
Electronic portal where we can log on and access reports/build specific area reports.
Do you have any other suggestions about how a Centre for Excellence could or should share information more widely?:
As above.
Questions on alerts and warnings
It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Strong disagree Radio button: Not checked Strong disagree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Somewhat disagree Radio button: Not checked Somewhat disagree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Neither agree nor disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither agree nor disagree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Somewhat agree Radio button: Checked Somewhat agree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree | It should be the role of a Forensic Centre for Excellence to manage and disseminate alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS. Don't know Radio button: Not checked Don't know |
Do you have any alternative suggestions for the management and dissemination of alerts on new and potentially harmful NPS?:
We, along with SDF, are able to have information sometimes in a real time basis.