Response 384059475

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General advancement of the Community Wealth Building approach

Q1. a) We are proposing a duty to advance Community Wealth Building, which form do you think this duty should take:

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The Scottish Government, local authorities, all other public bodies, including enterprise agencies and health authorities should be covered by the proposals.

Statutory duties, specific outcomes, measurement and reporting will ensure accountability for implementation to the Scottish Parliament.

Local communities, business and the third sector should be involved in the implementation of the duty.

Thre would need to be adequate funding for the implementation of CWB initiatives by third sector organisations.

Q1. b) One way Scottish Government could support the implementation of the proposed Community Wealth Building duty is to provide statutory or non-statutory guidance. Would this be helpful to partners in meeting the proposed duty?

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Statutory guidance for public sector bodies and key organisations would be important, to ensure accountability and the implementation of Community Wealth Building principles.

CWB will need co-production and partnership between local authorities and other public sector organisations, social enterprises, third sector and business and community groups.

Q2. a) Are there other non-legislative measures that you believe are required to accelerate the implementation of the Community Wealth Building approach in Scotland?

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Public awareness will build support, interest and potentially active involvement in CWB.

Q2. b) Are there specific actions required to advance delivery of the items contained within the Shared Policy Programme outlined on page 11?

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Spending pillar

Q3. Are there ways in which the law could be changed to advance the spending pillar of Community Wealth Building?

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The spending pillar of CWB can use the spending power of anchor organisations to better support local and regional economies including by growing local spend with SMEs, the third sector and supported businesses.

A narrow focus on the control of public spending in localities hides the true value of investments. We should prioritise the true economic/social/environmental impact of spending and not just look at it in financial terms.

Workforce pillar

Q4. Employment law is reserved to the UK Parliament. Are there other devolved areas where the law could be changed to advance the workforce pillar of Community Wealth Building?

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The social value of volunteering to local economies, to get people back to work and to Community Wealth Building must be fully realised.

Land and property pillar

Q5. Are there ways in which the law could be changed which are not already covered in the proposals for the Land Reform Bill to advance the land and property pillar of Community Wealth Building?

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We welcome the renewed focus on land reform.

The current Land Reform Bill should be more ambitious, including additional funding to build capacity and resource within local communities to buy local land, including continued support.

Inclusive ownership pillar

Q6. Are there ways in which the law could be changed to advance the inclusive ownership pillar of Community Wealth Building?

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Finance pillar

Q7. Are there ways in which the law could be changed to advance the finance pillar of Community Wealth Building?

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Investment into social enterprises, charities, community groups, is an essential element, in order to build community wealth.

Investment can pay multiple dividends in terms of positive economic, environmental and social impact in the local community, supporting jobs, interventions for excluded people and regeneration and can relieve pressure on public services.

About you

What is your name?

Ian McCall

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Paths for All